The River and the Moon

Tạp bút và ảnh Phan Thị Lãm |

I was born and raised in my hometown Thai Binh, a special province of the Northern Delta , which is known as "the land of mountains and rivers". Unlike other mountainous areas, Thai Binh is famous for its rustic, gentle beauty of vast fields, rivers and a network of winding canals, creating a poetic picture of the harmony between nature and people.

Thai Binh is located on the coast, divided by winding rivers such as the Red River , Hoa River, Day River... This is not only an important source of water for agriculture but also a place where Thai Binh people are attached and develop from generation to generation. Life here is peaceful and simple, with green rice fields along the endless river.

My house is located along a river that is a small branch of the Hoa River, which my hometown people call Mang He River, starting from Thuy Ninh Commune, through Thuy Viet Commune to Thuy Quynh, Thuy Truong and then flowing out to the sea. I heard the elders say that in the past, the Cooperative sent workers to dig for work, calculate points and share rice, called the Irrigation Team of the Agricultural Cooperative, the purpose of digging the river was to create irrigation to bring water to the fields of the old Thuy Anh District. This river flowing through my village is only about 1,500m but it fed many households in my village at that time.

At that time, my hometown did not have electricity, each house had a few oil lamps, the summer was very hot, almost no one was indoors, all activities depended on the bright moonlight and the wind, at night every house had to pull the threshing axe to let the rice grains fall out, we were young so we went out to the alley to play mock battles or went to youth training (singing and dancing) to join the camping, some people went to the river bank to sit and enjoy the breeze, talking. Occasionally there were couples sitting and chatting.

I remember, my mother once said, on the full moon days of the month, the moon will be very round and bright. The full moon on the full moon day is usually very beautiful, the moon is full and round like a ball with pure white color. The moonlight is bright, leading the light down to everywhere, everywhere seems to be illuminated by the sparkling golden moonlight, the hidden stars seem to add to the natural picture. The moonlight shines down from above, emitting a gentle, soft light, as if wanting to embrace and cover everything. The hometown river, under the shimmering moonlight, appears like a soft silk strip, sparkling with silver. The small waves reflect the moonlight, creating tiny, undulating bright spots, making the river more lively than ever. The gentle sound of flowing water, mixed with the chirping of insects, creates a gentle natural harmony.

The peaceful Mang He River is associated with the childhood of many children.
The peaceful Mang He River is associated with the childhood of many children.

On full moon nights, especially on the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone in the village gathers in the yard, sometimes sitting under the bamboo roots to chat, children play and dance around the yard, women and mothers take advantage of the time to do laundry outside on the riverbank, uncles and brothers bring out their nets to cast along the riverbank, the nets are very big, I heard that to make this net, you have to go get hemp, spin it into small fibers and then weave it into a net, when cast down, it almost covers the other side of the river, one for each house, all along the riverbank, we catch fireflies and put them in glass bottles next to the fish basket to have more light, each time we raise the net, shrimps, fish and crabs jump around, we are very happy, running from house to house to see who can catch more. Indeed, the river is so beautiful on full moon nights, every time I remember, the charming scenery appears like a painting, the colors are simple but contain so much love.

But then, development is inevitable, the river is now partly filled to build houses, build roads, the river flowing through my village is just a slow flowing stream... Change is inevitable, but somewhere in my heart, I always hope that one day the river will flow again, carrying the dreams, hopes and love of many generations. The river is no longer present as before but it will forever live in the memories and hearts of the children of the homeland like me. Memories of the river, moonlit nights will always be a source of inspiration, a source of motivation for me to overcome all difficulties in life. And every time I remember, I feel my heart soften, as if returning to the peaceful and quiet days of my childhood.

Tạp bút và ảnh Phan Thị Lãm

Đẹp bình dị, xao xuyến lòng ta

Bài và ảnh: việt văn |

79 năm sau ngày Quốc khánh, Việt Nam đã trở thành một đất nước phát triển mạnh mẽ và nhanh chóng, tạo được vị thế vững chắc trong khu vực và trên thế giới. Du khách ngoại quốc đến với Việt Nam ngày càng nhiều hơn và coi đây là một địa chỉ đỏ trên bản đồ du lịch thế giới.

Mộc mạc áo xanh bánh khúc làng Diềm ở Bắc Ninh

Bài và ảnh Thạch Lựu |

Những chiếc bánh khúc xinh xắn, vỏ xanh mướt vừa lấy ra khỏi nồi hấp, mùi thơm bốc lên ngạt ngào đã trở thành thức quà quý mà bất cứ du khách nào ghé thăm làng Diềm (phường Hòa Long, Bắc Ninh) đều muốn được thưởng thức.

Muôn nẻo chợ quê

Bài và ảnh Đặng Viết Tường |

Rời xa kinh kỳ phồn hoa diễm lệ, trở về quê hương nơi chôn rau cắt rốn, với ký ức tuổi thơ chăn trâu cắt cỏ ven đê, tắm mát ngụp lặn bên dòng sông xanh mát. Đêm trăng tỏ nghe sáo diều vi vu lẫn giọng hò điệu ví khoan nhặt, lời ru ầu ơ sao mà xao xuyến nao lòng.

LD 24069: Ước nguyện phẫu thuật cho con vùi dưới đất lạnh


Sau vụ sạt lở đất khiến hàng chục người chết, cô giáo Trương Thị Mai Ân đã ra đi khi ước nguyện lớn nhất là phẫu thuật lồng ngực cho con gái còn dang dở.

Không được kiểm toán, cổ phiếu ITA bị đình chỉ giao dịch

Gia Miêu |

Cổ phiếu ITA của Công ty Cổ phần Đầu tư và Công nghiệp Tân Tạo sẽ bị đình chỉ giao dịch kể từ ngày 26.9.2024.

Tái thiết khu dân cư Nậm Tông sau vụ sạt lở vùi lấp nhà dân

Đinh Đại |

Ngày 22.9, UBND tỉnh Lào Cai phối hợp với Đài Truyền hình Việt Nam tổ chức khởi công xây dựng, tái thiết khu dân cư thôn Nậm Tông sau vụ sạt lở kinh hoàng.

Thanh Hóa sơ tán hàng chục hộ dân khỏi nơi nguy hiểm


Thanh Hóa - Mưa lũ diễn ra phức tạp, hàng chục hộ dân tại huyện biên giới Mường Lát đã được sơ tán khẩn cấp khỏi nơi nguy hiểm.

Bánh mì Sài Gòn ngon tới mức khách Tây muốn ăn 7 chiếc liền

Đan Thanh |

TPHCM - Bánh mì Bảy Hổ mở bán hơn 90 năm qua được thực khách địa phương và quốc tế yêu thích nhờ hương vị và giá cả phải chăng.

Simple beauty, touching my heart

Bài và ảnh: việt văn |

79 years after the National Day , Vietnam has become a country that develops strongly and rapidly, creating a solid position in the region and the world. Foreign tourists come to Vietnam more and more and consider this a red address on the world tourism map.

Rustic blue shirt banh khuc village Diem in Bac Ninh

Bài và ảnh Thạch Lựu |

The lovely banh khuc , the green skin just taken out of the steamer, the fragrant aroma has become a precious gift that any tourist visiting Diem village (Hoa Long ward, Bac Ninh) wants to receive. enjoy.

Many corners of the countryside market

Bài và ảnh Đặng Viết Tường |

Leaving the prosperous and beautiful capital, returning to the homeland where vegetables were born, with childhood memories of herding buffaloes cutting grass along dikes, taking a cool bath and diving by the cool green river. On a moonlit night, listening to the kite flute and gentle singing voice, the melancholy lullabies make my heart flutter.