Restoring the "green lungs"

Thùy Linh |

Although it was only the third storm in 2024, super typhoon Yagi caused about 25,000 trees in the capital to fall. Many experts exclaimed: Urban trees are always less resistant to storms and storms than trees in the wilderness. To cope with climate change, natural disasters, and predictable natural disasters, there is no other way but to protect and restore nature. Only through natural disasters can people see the value of protecting and building a sustainable natural environment...

Preserving wildlife, to cope with natural disasters

"According to the announcement of the forest status in 2023, the total forest area and non-forest area of ​​Hanoi is nearly 27,075 hectares. Hanoi's forests are distributed in 6 districts: Ba Vi, Thach That, Quoc Oai, Chuong My, My Duc, Soc Son and Son Tay town. Forest protection is the core task of the forest rangers. We always identify forest management, protection, forest fire prevention and fighting, in order to protect the "green lungs" of the capital as an important task" - Manager of Hanoi Forestry Branch - Le Minh Tuyen said.

According to experts from the Centre for Nature Conservation and Development (CCD), Hanoi is known as one of the areas with high biodiversity value in Vietnam, where there are many natural ecosystems such as forests on limestone mountains, forests on dirt mountains, parks, rivers, lakes, lagoons, etc. However, many wild species and natural habitats here have been gradually disappearing due to urbanization, land use conversion, and unsustainable exploitation and use.

Cac loai thuc vat tai Vuon quoc gia Ba Vi (Ha Noi) duoc bao ve nghiem ngat. Anh: Thuy Linh
Plant species at Ba Vi National Park (Hanoi) are strictly protected. Photo: Thuy Linh

Many species of flora and fauna distributed in Hanoi are facing the risk of extinction, especially those typical of limestone mountain ecosystems or riverbank and wetland areas. Illegal hunting, trapping, trading and consumption are the main causes leading to the serious decline of the above species and biodiversity in Hanoi city.

Preserving wild nature, preserving rare wildlife species in Hanoi - sounds strange and "far away" because many people think that Hanoi has no wildlife left. However, in reality, this is a project that experts are very interested in, expecting to contribute to protecting the green capital, developing sustainably, especially after storm No. 3 caused the capital to suffer significant losses.

"The capital Hanoi is considered to have many natural ecosystems such as forests on soil mountains, forests on limestone mountains, wetlands and beaches; It is home to many endemic and endangered species, and a wintering place for many migratory and globally threatened species. More notably, Hanoi is considered a trading, transit and consumption point for many wildlife species. For these reasons, we want to ensure the survival and recovery of endangered wildlife species in Hanoi through effective coordination," said Mr. Nguyen Manh Ha, conservation expert and Director of CCD, to Lao Dong Newspaper reporter.

Ong Nguyen Manh Ha - Giam doc Trung tam Bao ton Thien nhien va Phat trien (CCD) tai le khoi dong Du an “Bao ton cac loai dong vat hoang da bi de doa tuyet chung tai Thanh pho Ha Noi”. Anh: CCD cung cap
Mr. Nguyen Manh Ha - Director of the Center for Nature Conservation and Development (CCD) at the launching ceremony of the Project "Conservation of endangered wildlife species in Hanoi City". Photo: Provided by CCD

Faced with huge challenges in nature and wildlife conservation in the capital, CCD has coordinated with state management agencies, communities and schools to implement the project "Conservation of endangered wildlife species in Hanoi City" funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Return the wild, natural beauty to the forest, return home to wild animals

"Ensuring the survival and recovery of endangered wildlife species and maintaining and conserving important habitats in Hanoi is very necessary at this time," Mr. Ha shared, adding that one of the specific goals of the project is to preserve 100% of newly discovered Delacour's langurs in Huong Son forest and reduce 80% of violations related to wildlife in protective and special-use forests in Hanoi.

"The amazing beauty of the rare white-rumped langurs in the capital Hanoi has left domestic and international experts amazed. Some experts even told us that they were surprised that in the middle of Hanoi there are pristine areas, home to such rare wildlife species" - a conservation expert exclaimed when talking about the wildlife in Hanoi.

Hinh anh loai vooc mong trang quy hiem duoc bao ton. Anh: Dung Le/CCD
Image of the rare and protected white-cheeked langur. Photo: Dung Le/CCD

An equally ambitious goal is to improve the management of 3,600 hectares of natural forest in My Duc district (Hanoi), standardize the process of rescuing, releasing and monitoring wildlife, and then share this process with at least 10 other rescue centers.

In fact, restaurants and eateries that slaughter and trade wild animals for food are not uncommon in the capital. Wild animal and bird restaurants still exist, advertisements for wild animal products are all over social networks, and people still consider wild animal meat a delicacy and a high-class dish, despite the dangers and risk of disease outbreaks it brings. The forest is increasingly depleted of wild animals. People do not believe that there are still wild animals in Hanoi, and that is not without reason.

Mr. Ha hopes to coordinate with other parties to carry out creative communication campaigns on wildlife protection regulations, health risks from illegal wildlife trade and consumption, and the role of forests in mitigating climate change.

"We hope that by September 2026, the project will aim to conserve 100% of newly discovered white-cheeked langurs in Huong Son forest; reduce 80% of wildlife-related violations in Hanoi's protective and special-use forests; and improve the management of 3,600 hectares of natural forests on limestone mountains in My Duc district. At the end of the project, the process of rescuing, rehabilitating, releasing and monitoring after release of wildlife will be standardized and shared with at least 10 other rescue centers. The project also aims to have at least 300 students with the right attitude and behavior, contributing to the conservation of wildlife species and at least 500,000 people accessing the message of nature protection and wildlife protection through communication campaigns in the press and at the Huong Pagoda festival," said Mr. Nguyen Manh Ha.

Hinh anh loai vooc mong trang quy hiem duoc bao ton o Thu do. Anh: Nguyen Manh Hiep
Image of the rare white-rumped langur preserved in the capital. Photo: Nguyen Manh Hiep

Previously, the issue of developing the forest economy in Hanoi was raised. To create a new step in exploiting the potential of forests and responding to climate change, the city has a policy to attract investment in developing forests and the forest economy. Getting rich from forests is extremely important in developing types of forestry economy as well as coping with extreme weather conditions such as storms, floods, droughts, etc.

Manager of Hanoi Forestry Branch - Le Minh Tuyen analyzed that, based on the reality of 3 types of forests (protection forests, special-use forests and production forests), the city will have different orientations and policies for forest economic development. For example, with protection forests, the focus will be on doing a good job of zoning and protecting biodiversity. For planted forests, the direction will be towards planting perennial trees to contribute to protecting the ecological environment; supporting forest growers with capital, seeds, etc.

Not only experts, but also many Hanoians have high hopes for a Hanoi with "many forests", green and sustainable development. However, just looking at the green color and counting the trees is not enough. The "green lungs" of the city need to be restored to their most pristine and natural appearance, originating from the biodiversity in the forests. Only then can the forests fully develop their ability to protect people from storms and winds.

Thùy Linh

H'Hen Niê tích cực tham gia các dự án bảo tồn thiên nhiên

Linh Chi |

Bên cạnh hoạt động trồng rừng ý nghĩa, Hoa hậu H'Hen Niê cũng tích cực tham gia các dự án khác liên quan đến bảo tồn thiên nhiên.

Giữ nguyên 12.500ha khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên ở Tiền Hải


Thái Bình - Theo quyết định vừa được công bố, Khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên đất ngập nước Tiền Hải vẫn giữ nguyên quy mô, diện tích là 12.500ha như trước đó.

Núi Trường Bạch, khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên đầu tiên của Trung Quốc

Hải Nguyễn (Nguồn Xinhua) |

Núi Trường Bạch nằm ở tỉnh Cát Lâm, đông bắc Trung Quốc là khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên đầu tiên của Trung Quốc, được thành lập vào năm 1960.

Cây mai cổ xù kỳ mỹ ở Kiên Giang xác lập kỷ lục Việt Nam


Kiên Giang - Cổ xù kỳ mỹ là cây mai vàng kiểng cổ, xù chảy toàn thân, dáng trực một cốt đạt giá trị độc bản tại Việt Nam.

Bánh lá liễu độc lạ của người Tiều ở Chợ Lớn

Thạch Lựu |

Với màu hồng bắt mắt, bánh lá liễu (hay bánh hồng đào) là món ăn truyền thống của người Triều Châu luôn có trong những dịp lễ, Tết.

Miền Bắc sắp chuyển mưa rất to, có nơi vượt mốc 200mm


Cơ quan khí tượng dự báo từ chiều tối 29.9, miền Bắc chuyển mưa rào và dông. Trọng tâm mưa ở khu vực trung du và vùng núi.

Tàu trật bánh hai lần trong một ngày khi qua Huế


HUẾ - Chỉ trong một ngày, tàu khi qua địa bàn Thừa Thiên Huế trật bánh hai lần.

Bản tin công đoàn: Educa hoàn tiền vụ đưa người đi Hàn Quốc


Bản tin công đoàn: Chỉ đạo nóng vụ người nước ngoài ở NOXH; Educa nhận "ngoài tầm kiểm soát" vụ đưa người đi Hàn Quốc...

H'Hen Nie actively participates in nature conservation projects

Linh Chi |

Besides meaningful forest planting activities, Miss H'Hen Nie also actively participates in other projects related to nature conservation.

Maintain 12,500 hectares of nature reserve in Tien Hai


Thai Binh - According to the newly announced decision, Tien Hai Wetland Nature Reserve will maintain the same scale and area of ​​12,500 hectares as before.

Núi Trường Bạch, khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên đầu tiên của Trung Quốc

Hải Nguyễn (Nguồn Xinhua) |

Núi Trường Bạch nằm ở tỉnh Cát Lâm, đông bắc Trung Quốc là khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên đầu tiên của Trung Quốc, được thành lập vào năm 1960.