The union gave many gifts to disadvantaged students.


On the opening day of the new school year, the Gia Lai Provincial Labor Federation presented new notebooks to give students more confidence and determination.

On September 5, the Gia Lai Provincial Federation of Labor organized 3 working delegations to attend, congratulate and present many meaningful gifts to students in difficult circumstances with a total value of nearly 60 million VND and 1,500 notebooks.

Chairman of Gia Lai Provincial Labor Federation Nguyen Hoang Phong attended the opening ceremony of the new school year 2024 - 2025 at Nay Der Primary School, Chu A Thai commune, Phu Thien district.

Here, representatives of the Gia Lai Provincial Labor Federation encouraged, congratulated and presented 20 bicycles to ethnic minority students in especially difficult circumstances.

On this occasion, the Gia Lai Provincial Civil Servants' Union also presented 18 gifts, each worth 500,000 VND, and 500 notebooks to students in difficult circumstances.

Vice President of Gia Lai Provincial Labor Federation Ro Lan Nga attended the opening ceremony at the Boarding Ethnic High School, Ia Pa district.

Here, Ms. Ro Lan Nga awarded the Emulation Flag to the Trade Union of the Boarding Ethnic Secondary School, Ia Pa district for its outstanding achievements in the emulation movement, activities and building of the Trade Union organization.

At the same time, 500 notebooks were given to students in difficult circumstances.

Representatives of the Provincial Federation of Labor presented new books and notebooks to students on the occasion of the new school year. Photo: Thanh Tuan
Representatives of the Provincial Labor Federation presented new books and notebooks to students on the occasion of the new school year. Photo: Thanh Tuan

At Phan Boi Chau Primary and Secondary School, Chu Prong District, Vice President of Gia Lai Provincial Labor Federation Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy and the delegation attended the opening ceremony and presented 20 bicycles and 500 notebooks to students in difficult circumstances.

According to the Gia Lai Provincial Labor Federation, the cost of 40 bicycles (each bicycle worth more than 1.2 million VND) given to students in difficult circumstances was taken from the support fund of Cho Ray Hospital.

Although the gifts are small, they have timely shared the needs of the students. Thereby, adding more confidence and determination for them to strive to excel and achieve new results in their studies.


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