The emulation movement among workers, civil servants and laborers of Phuc Tho district was launched by the district Labor Federation to arouse the spirit of emulation in labor, creativity and striving to successfully complete the tasks of workers, civil servants and laborers.
“Determined to innovate, actively create, improve labor productivity, work efficiency, save, fight waste, welcome Party Congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Congress of the Party, Patriotic Emulation Congresses at all levels, and the 11th National Patriotic Emulation Congress” is the emulation theme of 2025.
The focus of emulation movements in the business sector is "Good workers, creative workers", "Good workers", "Initiatives, creativity", "Reviewing theory, practicing skills, competing for good workers"... which are the emulation contents of the business sector.
For the administrative and career sectors, the emulation content focuses on striving to complete work tasks, successfully implement political tasks, goals, targets for socio-economic development, national defense - security and the 2025 work theme according to the Directives, Resolutions, Programs, Plans of the Central, City, District and Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, City Confederation of Labor.
Focus on accelerating the completion of programs and plans to implement the Resolutions of Party Congresses at all levels and the 5-year socio-economic development plan (2021 - 2025)...