As a romantic film expected in the second half of 2024, the red carpet of "Once Upon a Time There Was a Love Story" gathered a series of famous Vietnamese stars such as the duo Thu Trang and Tien Luat, actress Hong Dao, actor Hua Vi Van, director Charlie Nguyen, director Kathy Uyen, director Ly Minh Thang...
The film's cast includes: Director Trinh Dinh Le Minh and actors Avin Lu, Ngoc Xuan, Do Nhat Hoang, Rima Thanh Vy...
One of the impressive moments at the launch event was when the cast of "Once Upon a Time There Was a Love Story" walked the red carpet in pairs: actress Ngoc Xuan and child actress Mona Bao Tien in the roles of "big" and "small" Mien, similar to the duo of actor Avin Lu and child actor Pham Thanh Tu in the role of Vinh, actor Do Nhat Hoang and child actor Hao Khang in the role of Phuc...
The similarity in appearance and charisma of the cast, big and small, makes the audience excited.
Director Trinh Dinh Le Minh frankly said: “Love stories never get old. I appreciate the work "Once Upon a Time There Was a Love Story" by writer Nguyen Nhat Anh, because here, the woman made her own decisions for her life and deserves sympathy.”
"Once Upon a Time There Was a Love Story" will have early screenings from October 25 and will officially open in theaters nationwide from November 1, 2024.