
Arrest of a young man who snatched the phone of 2 young children


Ba Ria - Vung Tau - On March 5, the Investigation Police Agency of the Provincial Police Department filed a case to handle Nguyen Huu Son (residing in Thanh Hoa) for robbery.

Cold air is about to get stronger, forecast to be the coldest day


According to the representative of the meteorological agency, the time when cold air is most active is from March 6 to 7.

For illegal land exploitation to occur, commune leaders are responsible


Quang Tri - The leader of the People's Committee of Quang Tri province affirmed that the leaders of that area must take responsibility for any illegal land exploitation in the area.

Many old apartment buildings in Nam Dinh are increasingly degraded


Nam Dinh - Many old apartment buildings in Nam Dinh are increasingly seriously degraded, people hope to be upgraded and repaired soon.

20h News: A series of IT staff in Da Nang quickly lost their jobs


Preparing to reorganize local administrative boundaries; Dozens of IT engineers lose their jobs in Da Nang...

Weather Forecast for the next 3 days from September 29 to October 1 in all three regions


According to the meteorological agency's heat map, the weather forecast for the next 3 days in all three regions is that there will be widespread rain.

Unexpected effects of jujube on people with high blood sugar


Due to its high fiber content, jujubes are a good choice for people with high blood sugar or diabetes.

Additional benchmarks for Logistics industry in 2024


Below are the additional admission scores for Logistics in 2024 of many universities.

4 yoga exercises to reduce belly fat for women after cesarean section


Yoga is a great way to strengthen your core, reduce belly fat, and improve flexibility, which are essential for postpartum recovery.

5 types of vegetables that increase uric acid and cause acute gout attacks


Some vegetables are considered healthy, but can increase uric acid levels and trigger gout attacks.

Golden season on Seng Cu rice fields after the storm


Although Lao Cai was heavily affected by storm No. 3, the famous Seng Cu rice fields in Muong Vi remained intact.

Which protein powders increase uric acid levels?


According to Healthshots, protein powders have the potential to increase uric acid levels, especially those derived from sources high in purines.

Trade Union News: Educa refunds money for sending people to Korea


Trade Union News: Urgent instructions on the case of foreigners in social housing; Educa admits the case of sending people to Korea is "out of control"...

After graduating from university, you can still do military service in 2025


In case citizens have finished university but are not yet 27 years old, they can still join the military service in 2025.

Viettel The Cong team coach pointed out the reason for losing to Binh Dinh


Coach Nguyen Duc Thang analyzed the reasons why The Cong Viettel team lost to Binh Dinh in round 3 of V.League 2024-2025 on the evening of September 28.

Weather today 9/29: Some places in the North have very heavy rain


Weather today 9/29, the North has localized heavy rain. Thunderstorms are likely to have tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong gusts of wind.

Crowds of people flock to Nguyen Trung Truc festival


Kien Giang - On the evening of September 28, crowds of people flocked to Nguyen Trung Truc communal house in Rach Gia city to worship and have fun.

A delicious and fatty fruit that helps reduce visceral fat


Avocado is a rich source of healthy fats, which help the body burn visceral fat more effectively.

New regulations on conditions for land division in Hanoi 2024


On September 27, 2024, the Hanoi People's Committee issued Decision 61/2024/QD-UBND. This includes regulations on the conditions for land division for residential land plots.

Morning news: The North is about to welcome cold air


Morning news 9/29: The North is about to welcome cold air; Parents are upset because the teacher asked for laptop support; Forecast of the possibility of a super typhoon hitting the Philippines early next week;…