The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has forecasted the weather trend for the season (from February 2025 to July 2025).
Accordingly, from February to April 2025, the average temperature will be approximately the same as the average of many years. In April 2025 alone, the average temperature in the Northern and North Central regions will be 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius higher than the average of many years in the same period.
The hot season in 2025 is likely to appear late in the Central Highlands and the South. March - April, hot weather mainly occurs in the Northwest and Central regions. The intensity of hot weather is likely to be less severe than in 2024.
From May to July 2025, the average temperature across the country will be approximately the same as the average of many years. In the Northern region, the temperature may be 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius higher in July 2025.
Hot weather continues to occur in the South and Central Highlands in May ( gradually decreasing from the second half of May) and is likely to end in June 2025. From May to July 2025, in the Northern region, the heat will gradually spread to the Northeast. The hot weather is likely to last for many days during this period in the Central region.
The meteorological agency warns that it is necessary to be on guard against severe and especially severe heat in the Northern and Central provinces.
Previously, in 2024, there were 19 widespread heat waves nationwide, one less than in 2023. However, the number of hot days in one period lasted longer. The longest hot spell of 2024 occurred in the Southeast region with 70 days of hot weather (from March 8 to May 16), of which the widespread hot weather in the South lasted 47 days (from March 29 to May 14).
Also in 2024, many record values in temperature were recorded from January to December. In particular, according to statistics in April 2024, 110/186 monitoring stations across the country recorded the highest temperature value of the day exceeding historical value, especially in Dong Ha (Quang Tri) where the highest temperature on April 28, 2024 was measured at 44 degrees Celsius.