According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, around the evening and night of February 2, this cold air mass will affect the Northeast region, then affect the Northwest, North Central, Central Central and some places in the South Central region. The wind will change to the northeast inland, strengthening to level 3, coastal areas to level 3-4, with some places having gusts of level 6.
Day and night 2.2, the North has the lowest temperature of about 13 - 16 degrees Celsius, mountainous areas 11 - 13 degrees Celsius, high mountainous areas have places below 9 degrees Celsius. Average temperature is about 19 - 21 degrees Celsius; mountainous areas 17 - 19 degrees Celsius; Lai Chau, Dien Bien about 20 - 23 degrees Celsius.
From the night of February 2, the weather in the North will be cold, with severe cold in the mountainous areas of the North. These conditions can affect crops and livestock.
Hanoi area from the night of February 2nd, the weather is cold. The lowest temperature in this cold air mass is commonly 12 - 14 degrees Celsius.
Day and night of February 3, North Central region, area from Quang Binh to Hue, cold weather.
The Northern region has the lowest temperature of about 11 - 14 degrees Celsius, mountainous areas 8 - 10 degrees Celsius, high mountainous areas have places below 6 degrees Celsius. The average temperature is about 15 - 17 degrees Celsius; mountainous areas 13 - 15 degrees Celsius; Lai Chau, Dien Bien about 17 - 19 degrees Celsius.
The North Central region has the lowest temperature of about 13 - 16 degrees Celsius; average temperature of 17 - 19 degrees Celsius.
From Quang Binh to Hue, the lowest temperature is 16 - 19 degrees Celsius; average temperature is 20 - 22 degrees Celsius.
Regarding notable situations due to the influence of cold air, from the evening and night of February 2-3, the Northern region will have scattered rain and showers. From early morning of February 3-4, the North Central and Central Central regions will have rain and showers, locally with moderate rain, heavy rain and thunderstorms. During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.
Localized heavy rains can cause flooding in low-lying areas; flash floods in small rivers and streams, and landslides on steep slopes.