Forecast of Heavy Rainfall in the Northern Region


Following a severe heatwave, the Northern region is about to face a large-scale rain event.

Northern and Central regions have experienced various weather phenomena from late July to date. The changes in the weather in the coming time are of great interest and expectation to the people.

Mr. Vũ Anh Tuấn, Deputy Director of Weather Forecasting, National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, General Department of Hydro-Meteorology, has analyzed this issue in more detail.

Mr. Vũ Anh Tuấn, Deputy Director of Weather Forecasting, National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, General Department of Hydro-Meteorology provides weather information for the coming days.
Mr. Vũ Anh Tuấn, Deputy Director of Weather Forecasting, National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, General Department of Hydro-Meteorology provides weather information for the coming days.

Thank you, sir. After being affected by the large-scale rain in July, the northern and central regions have shifted to a widespread hot weather state. Can you explain the cause of the current heat wave?

- From the beginning of August, the heat wave has started to occur extensively in the Central Highlands and South Central Coast provinces. On August 3, the heat wave expanded to the eastern provinces of the North and Central regions and has continued to the present. The highest temperature is generally around 36-38 degrees Celsius, with some places above 38 degrees Celsius, such as Con Cuông (Nghệ An) 39.3 degrees Celsius; Hương Sơn (Hà Tĩnh) 38.6 degrees Celsius; Đồng Hới (Quảng Bình) 39 degrees Celsius; Tuy Hoà (Phú Yên) 38.9 degrees Celsius...

The cause is determined to be the impact of a hot low-pressure area to the west combined with the foehn effect.

We predict that on August 10, the North will experience a heat wave, while the Northwest, the Northwest Highlands, and the Northern Delta will experience a heat wave and a severe heat wave with a highest temperature of 36-38 degrees Celsius. From August 11, the widespread heat wave in the North is likely to end.

The area from Thanh Hóa to Phú Yên will also experience a heat wave and a severe heat wave on August 10, with a highest temperature of 36-38 degrees Celsius, and in some places above 38 degrees Celsius. From around August 12-13, the heat wave in the Central region is likely to subside.

Thank you, sir. As you informed, from August 11, the heat wave in the North is likely to end. So, after this heat wave, will the large-scale rain return or not?

- Based on the received forecast products up to this point, it is likely that from the night of August 10, a convergence zone of southwest winds will appear over the northern mountains of the North, making it likely that from this time, moderate to heavy rain and thunderstorms will begin to occur over the northern mountains and foothills of the North, with isolated areas experiencing very heavy rain.
From the night of August 12, the moderate to heavy rain is likely to spread to other areas in the North.

Mr. Vũ Anh Tuấn predicts the time when the North will experience heavy rain.

The heavy rain that occurs after a severe heat wave will have a hidden danger of various types of natural disasters. What advice do you have for the people regarding the upcoming heavy rain?

- Our advice on the heavy rain focuses on the following points. The rain usually occurs in the late afternoon and evening. Therefore, the response work will be more difficult than during the day.

Furthermore, due to the influence of the southwest wind convergence from the low to the high levels, the heavy rain often occurs in narrow areas (at the provincial level) with extremely high rainfall intensity and occurs within a short period of time, making it highly likely to cause landslides, soil erosion, and flooding in many places, especially in the mountainous provinces.

Thank you very much!


Dự báo thời tiết ngày mai 10.8 trên cả nước


Dự báo thời tiết ngày mai 10.8, Hà Nội ngày nắng nóng gay gắt, có nơi nhiệt độ trên 38 độ C; chiều tối và đêm có mưa rào và dông vài nơi.

Thời gian miền Bắc chuyển mưa rất to, có nơi vượt mốc 400mm


Trung tâm Dự báo Khí tượng Thủy văn Quốc gia đã phát hành bản tin cảnh báo đợt mưa lớn sắp bao trùm Bắc Bộ.

Miền Bắc sắp mưa rất to, có nơi vượt mốc 400mm


Cơ quan khí tượng nhận định cuối tuần này, miền Bắc bắt đầu bước vào đợt mưa to diện rộng.

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