Weather forecast for tomorrow, February 14, nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, February 14, Hanoi will have light rain in some places, light fog in the early morning. Cold weather with the lowest temperature around 15 - 17 degrees Celsius.

The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has updated the weather forecast for tomorrow (February 14) in the regions.

Accordingly, due to the impact of cold air, the North and North Central regions continue to experience cold weather, with some mountainous areas in the North experiencing severe cold. The lowest temperature in the North is generally 15-17 degrees Celsius, in the highlands 12-14 degrees Celsius, and in some places below 11 degrees Celsius; in the North Central region, it is generally 15-18 degrees Celsius.

The Central Highlands and the South have scattered showers and thunderstorms.

Weather forecast for tomorrow, February 14, for regions:


Lowest temperature: 15-17 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 20-23 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, light rain in some places, light fog in the early morning. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold weather.


Lowest temperature: 14-17 degrees Celsius, some places below 12 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 20-23 degrees Celsius; in the Northwest region 23-26 degrees Celsius, some places above 26 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, light rain in some places, early morning fog and light fog scattered. Light wind. Cold, some places very cold, very cold.


Lowest temperature: 15-17 degrees Celsius; highland areas 12-14 degrees Celsius, some places below 11 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 20-23 degrees Celsius, some places above 23 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, light rain in some places, early morning fog and light fog scattered. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold, mountainous areas have severe cold.

Thanh Hoa to Hue

Lowest temperature: 15-18 degrees Celsius, South 18-20 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 21-24 degrees Celsius, some places above 24 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, light rain in some places in the North; rain, scattered showers in the South. Light wind. Cold.

Da Nang to Binh Thuan

Lowest temperature: 19-22 degrees Celsius, South 22-24 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 23-26 degrees Celsius, South 28-31 degrees Celsius.

North cloudy, scattered showers and rain; South cloudy, scattered showers and thunderstorms. Northeast to north wind level 2-3.

Central Highlands

Lowest temperature: 17-20 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 29-32 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms. Light winds.

Southern Vietnam

Lowest temperature: 22-25 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 30-33 degrees Celsius, some places above 33 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms. Light winds.


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Weather forecast for tomorrow, February 13, nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, February 13, Hanoi has rain in the morning, scattered light rain; some rain during the day. Cold weather with the lowest temperature around 16 - 18 degrees Celsius.

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Weather forecast for tomorrow, February 13, nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, February 13, Hanoi has rain in the morning, scattered light rain; some rain during the day. Cold weather with the lowest temperature around 16 - 18 degrees Celsius.