The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has updated the weather forecast for tomorrow (March 7) in the regions.
Accordingly, due to the influence of cold air, the North and North Central regions will be cold, with some places experiencing severe cold; the mountainous areas in the Northeast will be very cold, and the high mountainous areas will be very cold. The area from Quang Binh to Hue will turn cold.
The lowest temperature in the North is generally from 12-15 degrees, in high mountainous areas it is below 8 degrees; in the North Central region it is generally 13-16 degrees; from Quang Binh to Hue it is generally 16-19 degrees.
The Southern region will have sunny days, showers and thunderstorms in some places in the late afternoon and night.
Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 7, for the regions:
Lowest temperature: 13-15 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 17-19 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy, with rain in some places, northeast wind level 2-3, cold weather.
Lowest temperature: 12-15 degrees Celsius, high mountainous areas below 8 degrees Celsius.
The highest temperature: 18-21 degrees Celsius; in the Northwest region, some places are above 25 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy, with rain in some places, light wind, cold weather, some places are very cold; Lai Chau - Dien Bien is cold.
Lowest temperature: 12-15 degrees Celsius, high mountainous areas below 8 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 16-19 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy, with rain in some places, northeast wind level 2-3, coastal areas level 3-4, cold weather, mountainous areas are very cold, high mountainous areas are very cold.
Thanh Hoa to Hue
Lowest temperature: North 13-16 degrees Celsius; South 16-19 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 16-19 degrees Celsius; South has places above 19 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy, the North has rain, scattered light rain at night, some rain during the day; the South has rain, scattered showers, north to northwest wind level 2-3, cold weather.
Da Nang to Binh Thuan
Lowest temperature: 22-25 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: North 26-28 degrees Celsius; South 29-31 degrees Celsius.
The North is cloudy, with scattered rain and showers; the South is cloudy, with rain in some places, sunny days, northeast winds at level 3-4.
Central Highlands
Lowest temperature: 19-22 degrees Celsius, some places below 19 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 29-32 degrees Celsius, some places above 32 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy, showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and at night, sunny during the day, northeast wind level 2-3.
Southern region
Lowest temperature: 23-26 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 32-35 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy, showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and at night, sunny during the day, northeast wind level 2-3.