The step of great mission of the young man who is paralyzed in both legs

Chí Long |

"The Color of Destiny" is the emotional autobiography of young man suffering from ankylosing spondylitis, paralyzed in both legs, and his journey overcoming adversity.

Author Anton Tran Van Tien was born in 1987 in Quang Xuong, Thanh Hoa, and was as healthy as any other ordinary child. In 2002, he unexpectedly discovered that he had spinal discitis and was paralyzed in both legs.

He had a period of pessimism, thinking that he would never be able to return to normal for the rest of his life, and he even sought death. However, later on, thanks to his perseverance, faith, and love for his partner, he was able to overcome illness and became a businessman.

The inspiring story of Tran Van Tien has been shared on various television programs, making many people love and admire him. In addition to his success as a businessman, Tran Van Tien is also actively involved in charitable activities, spreading love to everyone.

Autobiography “Step of Numinous Color” of the young man who was once paralyzed in both legs Tran Van Tien. Photo: Provided by the subject
Autobiography “Step of Numinous Color” of the young man who was once paralyzed in both legs Tran Van Tien. Photo: Provided by the subject

According to author, the autobiography "Step of Numinous Color" was written in 2023 with the hope of being released at the beginning of 2024, but due to some reasons, it had to be postponed until now. In it, he recounts his difficult journey, from his carefree childhood, his suffering youth, his illness that surrounded him, his desperation, and his ultimate discovery of the source of life.

"The period I was bedridden was a very difficult time, with moments of extreme desperation wanting to die to spare those around me the trouble. In the most desperate moments, I turned to books as a safe haven.

I immersed myself in knowledge and journeys through each book. I learned valuable lessons about life, love, faith, accepting one's fate, facing pain, loving, forgiving, and living a meaningful life," the author shared.

He added: "I want to tell my own story, what I have lived and experienced, the difficulties and hardships, the physical and mental pain of myself. But what's important is that I had the strength of faith to overcome all those difficulties and achieve happiness today."

In addition to his determination to overcome the period of being bedridden, the autobiography also impressed the audience with the love of his wife, Nguyen Thi Lệ Quyên, for Anton Tran Van Tien. She loved and married him - a disabled young man who was bedridden, accompanying him through all the difficulties to the present day.

"She is not only a partner, but also a teacher, a friend, a confidant, allowing me to grow up, become healthier, happier, and more successful today," he confided.

Tran Van Tien and his wife. Photo: Provided by the subject
Tran Van Tien and his wife. Photo: Provided by the subject

After a long journey to have a better life, overcoming adversity to become a successful businessman, Tran Van Tien believes that luck only plays a small part in his story. What's important is that he has never stopped striving, learning, daring to dream, taking action, and overcoming his own limitations.

Knowing Tran Van Tien when he was the subject of the CEO Chìa khóa thành công program, MC Nguyên Khang was impressed by the many unfortunate events that had occurred in his life. Despite all these setbacks, he eventually built a stable career, a beautiful wife, and a obedient child.

"Until now, I think the most precious gift I have received is the ability to overcome adversity, not blaming fate, and boldly changing it. I think Tran Van Tien is a positive source of inspiration for those who have the chance to meet him, and I also received that energy," MC Nguyên Khang shared.

Chí Long

Gọi nhầm số, chàng trai nghèo cưới luôn cô gái khuyết tật


Với chủ đề Điểm tựa, "Thuận vợ thuận chồng" tập 5 mang đến cho khán giả câu chuyện đời sống hôn nhân cặp đôi chồng nghèo - vợ khuyết tật.

Chàng trai 9X vượt qua biến cố để nối dài ước mơ

Thanh Hương |

Ở tuổi 19, một tai nạn giao thông xảy ra khiến cho đôi chân của Bùi Văn Hiếu bị cắt bỏ hoàn toàn. Nhưng với tinh thần lạc quan, chàng trai 9X tìm thấy ước mơ không chỉ cho riêng mình mà còn cho nhiều hoàn cảnh khó khăn khác.

Chàng trai bị bỏ vì nghèo quyết hẹn hò người phụ nữ 1 lần đò


Dù biết nữ khách mời từng ly hôn và có con riêng, chàng trai U40 vẫn quyết ấn nút hẹn hò.

Mực nước Thủy điện Hòa Bình ra sao sau mưa lớn?

Minh Nguyễn |

Sau mưa lớn, mực nước ở hồ Thủy điện Hòa Bình tiếp tục dâng cao so với thời điểm đóng cửa xả lũ.

Một học sinh lớp 2 bị xe ôtô cán tử vong trong sân trường


Đắk Lắk - Một phụ huynh lái xe ôtô bán tải đã vô tình cán tử vong một nữ học sinh lớp 2 ngay trong sân trường.

Đắk Nông điều động, bổ nhiệm nhiều cán bộ chủ chốt


Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy Đắk Nông vừa quyết định điều động, phân công, bổ nhiệm nhiều cán bộ chủ chốt.

Quán cơm bình dân đông khách nhất Hạ Long bị tẩy chay

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quảng Ninh - Ban Tuyên giáo Thành ủy Hạ Long đã có công văn đề nghị các cơ quan chức năng vào cuộc vụ quán Cơm sạch bà Liên bị dư luận đề nghị tẩy chay.

Thượng Hải hứng bão mạnh nhất 75 năm

Thanh Hà |

Bão Bebinca đổ bộ Thượng Hải (Trung Quốc) sáng 16.9 với cường độ bão cấp 1, sức gió vượt qua cơn bão mạnh nhất tấn công thành phố này năm 1949.