Diphtheria reminder to fill in vaccine depressions

Lê Thanh Phong |

Measles has appeared in some localities, the number of cases is not high but still causes anxiety in the community. There are some unfounded rumors that have caused concern among the public, affecting their daily life and living conditions.

Given the phenomenon of disease, prevention is necessary, and it is impossible to be complacent, leading to the spread of disease. However, disease prevention must be guided by specialized agencies, by healthcare experts, and not handled arbitrarily based on "word of mouth" or "Google doctors," where benefits are not seen, but harm is apparent in the short term.

Vietnam is a country with a high vaccination rate compared to many other countries, with the diphtheria vaccine having been used in the Expanded Program on Immunization in our country since 1985. This shows that diphtheria is not a "new disease" like COVID-19, but has been discovered for a long time and has been controlled through vaccination, resulting in community immunity for many years.

In addition to community immunity through vaccination, if a person contracts diphtheria, they can rest assured that there is sufficient medication for treatment. The number of patients with diphtheria is not high, and there is no risk of widespread transmission because the healthcare sector has the ability to control it, so there is no reason to panic. Do not be too alarmed and organize isolation like during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The healthcare sector has provided comprehensive guidance on disease prevention, and for individuals with diphtheria, personal hygiene and a clean environment are essential; residents in areas with outbreaks should take medication as directed by doctors and receive vaccinations to prevent disease...

However, when a disease occurs, regardless of the severity, it is necessary to have scientific evaluations and analyses to implement measures to prevent it. Minimizing the disease and protecting public health is the responsibility of the healthcare sector, local authorities, and the government. In the case of this diphtheria outbreak, according to the analysis of experts, the outbreak primarily occurs in areas with low vaccination coverage.

Low vaccination coverage areas are remote, hard-to-reach regions with limited access to healthcare, including access to vaccines. Expanded vaccination programs have covered urban areas, but have not yet reached these difficult-to-access regions, where residents still face disadvantages. Knowing this, we can improve vaccination efforts, not just for diphtheria but for all other diseases as well.

The Ministry of Health has set a target for 2025, with a diphtheria incidence rate of less than 0.1 per 100,000 people, which is certainly achievable if we fill in the vaccine coverage gaps.

Lê Thanh Phong

Quảng Bình chủ động phòng bệnh bạch hầu từ xa


Giám đốc Trung tâm Kiểm soát bệnh tật Quảng Bình Đỗ Quốc Tiệp cho biết, sẽ tuyên truyền người dân nhằm chủ động phòng bệnh bạch hầu từ xa.

Dịch bệnh bạch hầu ở Nghệ An đã kết thúc


Nghệ An - Sau 14 ngày toàn tỉnh không phát sinh ca bạch hầu mới, tất cả trường hợp tiếp xúc bệnh nhân đều âm tính.

Từ điểm nóng, Tây Nguyên chặn đứng dịch bệnh bạch hầu nhờ bao phủ vaccine

Nhóm PV Tây Nguyên |

Năm 2020, dịch bệnh bạch hầu bùng phát ở nhiều địa phương trên địa bàn các tỉnh tây Nguyên. Thế nhưng, sau 4 năm, dịch bệnh này đã được kiểm soát nhờ tỉ lệ bao phủ vaccine cao trong đại đa số người lớn và trẻ em.

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Nhóm PV |

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Nguyễn Linh |

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Quang Binh proactively prevents diphtheria from afar


Director of the Quang Binh Center for Disease Control Do Quoc Tiep said that he will propagate people to proactively prevent diphtheria from afar.

The diphtheria epidemic in Nghe An has ended


Nghe An - After 14 days, the whole province had no new cases of diphtheria , all contact cases of the patient were negative.

From a hot spot, the Central Highlands stopped the diphtheria epidemic thanks to vaccine coverage

Nhóm PV Tây Nguyên |

In 2020, the diphtheria epidemic broke out in many localities in the Central Highlands provinces. However, after 4 years, this epidemic has been controlled thanks to high vaccine coverage rates among the majority of adults and children.