Three reasons the elderly are at risk of dehydration


Older people may easily suffer from dehydration, leading to dangerous complications and significantly affecting kidney function.

Why dehydration is prevalent among the elderly?

When exposed to high temperatures, the risk of dehydration increases. According to a study published on StatPearls (an online healthcare education platform), older adults have a high risk of dehydration, 20 - 30% due to weakened thirst mechanism, immobility, diabetes, and kidney disease.

Dehydration symptoms that the elderly may experience:

Reduced thirst sensation: As we age, our sense of thirst decreases. This means that we may not feel thirsty even when our body needs fluids.

Reduced kidney function: Aging can affect kidney function, making these organs less efficient in retaining water. Especially those aged 60 and above, may lose more water when urinating.

Medication use: Many elderly individuals take diuretics, blood pressure medications, or cardiovascular disease medications, which can increase the risk of dehydration.

Chronic diseases: Many older adults suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, or cardiovascular disease. These health conditions can affect fluid balance and increase the risk of dehydration.

3 reasons why the elderly are at risk of dehydration
3 reasons why the elderly are at risk of dehydration. Graphic: Cao Thơm

Preventing dehydration in the elderly:

Increase fluid intake:

Encourage drinking more water. If water tastes bland and cannot be consumed in sufficient amounts, consider drinking other fluids such as herbal tea, vegetable broth, or oral rehydration solutions.

Monitor and adjust medication:

Older adults may be taking medications prescribed for various health conditions. Consult with a doctor to adjust the dosage or switch to medications with a lower risk of dehydration.

Use hydrating foods:

Combine healthy foods and beverages with high water content, such as fruits (watermelon and oranges) and vegetables (cucumbers and lettuce), into the diet. Additionally, if the diet contains high amounts of sodium without sufficient fluid intake, there may be a risk of dehydration.


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