Oatmeal is a great breakfast choice for people with acid reflux. Oatmeal is high in fiber, which helps promote digestion and reduce the risk of acid reflux.
The fiber in oats has the ability to absorb acid in the stomach, helping to limit the amount of acid coming into contact with the stomach lining and esophagus. Oats also have a low acid index, helping to reduce the risk of stomach irritation and reduce the burning sensation caused by reflux.
Bananas are a mildly alkaline fruit that helps neutralize stomach acid and reduce reflux symptoms. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), bananas contain potassium, a mineral that is beneficial to the stomach, helping to maintain a stable pH and prevent excessive acid secretion.
Additionally, bananas provide the soluble fiber pectin, which slows digestion and reduces the likelihood of reflux. Bananas are easy to digest and rich in nutrients, making them an ideal choice for breakfast.
Whole wheat bread
Whole-wheat bread is a high-fiber, acid-free food that helps protect the stomach lining and reduce the risk of reflux. Whole-grain products, such as whole-wheat bread, slow down digestion, which reduces acid production and prevents the stomach from emptying too quickly, which can irritate the stomach.
When choosing banh mi, choose the type that is fat-free and low in sugar, as fat can slow digestion and increase the risk of reflux.
Ginger has long been known for its anti-inflammatory properties and for helping to relieve reflux symptoms. Ginger can reduce stomach acid production and prevent irritation of the stomach lining.
Ginger can be added to warm tea, oatmeal, or smoothies to help relieve morning reflux symptoms. However, it should be used in moderation, as too much ginger can cause unwanted side effects.
Almond milk
Almond milk is an alkaline drink that can neutralize stomach acid and soothe the lining of the esophagus. Almond milk is low in fat, does not increase stomach acid, and provides essential nutrients such as vitamin E, which helps protect the stomach lining.
For people with reflux, almond milk can be added to cereal or oats for added benefits.
Boiled eggs
Boiled eggs are a source of easily digestible protein, free of stomach-irritating fats, and are a great breakfast choice for people with acid reflux.
The protein in eggs helps keep you feeling full longer without increasing acid secretion. However, people with reflux should avoid fried or soft-boiled eggs because the oil can increase the risk of reflux.