Star fruit is a low glycemic index (GI) fruit, meaning it does not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar after eating. Low glycemic index foods are beneficial for people with diabetes because they help maintain more stable blood sugar levels than high GI foods.
Star fruit is also rich in fiber, especially soluble fiber. According to the World Health Organization, soluble fiber helps slow down the digestion and absorption of glucose into the blood, thereby preventing sudden increases in blood sugar.
A serving of star fruit of about 100 grams can provide about 2-3 grams of fiber, which helps slow down sugar metabolism and control blood sugar more effectively, especially beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes.
Star fruit also contains many antioxidant compounds such as polyphenols, vitamin C, and flavonoids. These compounds have been shown to reduce inflammation and protect the beta cells of the pancreas, which produce insulin in the body.
According to a study by the US National Institute of Medicine, antioxidants help protect the pancreas from free radical attacks, prevent chronic inflammation, thereby maintaining the body's ability to produce insulin and improve its ability to regulate blood sugar.
In particular, vitamin C in star fruit helps improve immune function, helping the body better control problems related to diabetes.
Star fruit contains organic acids, such as oxalic acid and tartaric acid, which reduce sugar absorption in the digestive system. The organic acids in star fruit can partially inhibit glucose absorption in the intestine, helping to minimize the risk of post-meal hyperglycemia.
This may help reduce insulin dependence in people with diabetes, improving blood sugar control naturally.
Although star fruit has many health benefits, it should be noted that this fruit contains oxalic acid, which can be harmful to people with kidney problems. Therefore, people at risk of kidney stones or poor kidney function should limit their intake of star fruit. For normal people and people with diabetes, reasonable use of star fruit, about 1-2 fruits per day, can help effectively support blood sugar control.
Patients can eat fresh star fruit, star fruit juice (sugar-free), star fruit salad, star fruit soaked in diluted salt...