Factors that contribute to stroke risk in the bathroom


Strokes in the bathroom can be caused by a number of factors, including fluctuating blood pressure, stress, dehydration and falls, says Dr. Anand Saxena.

Blood pressure fluctuations

Dr Anand Saxena, Director of Neurology, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Dwarka, Delhi (India), said: “Sudden exposure to hot water, such as when taking a bath or shower, can cause the blood vessels to dilate. This dilation can lead to a sudden drop in blood pressure, which can cause fainting or stroke.

Conversely, for some individuals, high temperatures can cause blood pressure to spike, putting additional stress on the heart and blood vessels. For those who already have high blood pressure or heart disease, these fluctuations can be dangerous.”

Straining to go to the bathroom

Excessive straining during bowel movements, often due to constipation or other digestive problems, can lead to increased blood pressure. This increase can be especially dangerous for people who are already at risk of stroke.

Dehydration and blood thickening

“The body tends to lose water more quickly when taking a hot bath or shower,” says Dr. Saxena. When you’re dehydrated, your blood thickens, making it harder for blood to flow through your body. If you’re dehydrated and have an area of ​​narrowed or blocked blood vessel, you’re at increased risk of stroke.

Falls and injuries

Bathrooms are often wet and slippery, creating a high risk of falling. A slip in the bathroom can cause a stroke or stroke-like symptoms due to a brain injury.

How to prevent stroke in the bathroom

Blood pressure monitoring

Controlling blood pressure is one of the most important preventative steps. According to Dr. Saxena, people prone to high blood pressure should avoid hot water and instead take warm baths.

You should also have a blood pressure monitor at home to check your blood pressure regularly, especially before bathing.

Don't strain too much when having a bowel movement.

Encourage gentle bowel habits to avoid excessive straining. Stress can increase blood pressure, increasing the risk of stroke. Drinking enough water and increasing fiber intake can help bowel movements go more smoothly.

Use safety equipment

Installing safety aids in the bathroom such as grab bars, non-slip mats, and shower chairs can help prevent falls. These simple tools help people maintain their balance, reducing the risk of accidents that can lead to strokes or other injuries.

Temperature control

Make sure the bath temperature is comfortable, as too high a temperature can affect your blood pressure. Keep the water temperature at a comfortable level.


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Phương pháp phục hồi tại nhà khi vận động sai tư thế dẫn đến chấn thương cổ


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