Push-ups require coordination throughout the body, affecting the chest, shoulders, tripods, core muscles and legs to keep the body stable. This movement tests muscle endurance and helps the heart pump blood effectively throughout the body.
Higher push-ups mean better cardiovascular endurance, meaning it helps your body and heart adjust to increased exercise needs.
At the same time, it improves metabolic health. People who do push-ups well often have lower blood pressure, reducing cholesterol.
Higher push-ups also show stronger muscle endurance. Muscles need oxygen to maintain movement, so the high number of push-ups reflects an effective oxygen supply system - one of the main signs of cardiovascular health.
If you do push-ups regularly, you will become healthier and live longer.
Adults who can do push-ups 40 times or more in a row have a significantly lower risk of heart disease. If you achieve 0-10 push-ups, this is a sign you need to improve muscle strength, endurance and cardiovascular fitness. The number of push-ups often indicates a weaker upper body and a higher risk of metabolic problems.
For 11 - 20 push-ups, this range shows average physical strength. You can set a higher goal to support your cardiovascular health.
For 21-39 push-ups, you have endurance and solid strength, good overall cardiovascular health.
When you reach 40 push-ups or more, your heart, lungs and muscles work effectively. People in this range are at risk for problems related to low cardiovascular disease.