Signs that your work environment is affecting your health

NGỌC THUỲ (THEO healthshots) |

A toxic work environment is one where you feel negatively affected both physically and mentally. So what are the signs?

What is a toxic work environment?

Toxic workplace - from the English origin "toxic workplace", can be understood as a workplace where there are personal conflicts, negative behaviors such as manipulation, opposition, bullying... affecting the health, spirit as well as the quality of work of those working there.

Signs that your work environment is affecting your health and well-being

You are always looking for reasons to take a leave : Everyone has days when they don't want to work, but if you often feel depressed, want to take a leave, or even think about taking a long leave, it is a sign that you hate your workplace. This gradually affects your mood and mental health, think about quitting your job if you often have this problem.

Work calls and emails make you anxious : Work pressure is something that every adult has to face, but if you feel anxious every day when your manager or superior calls, sends emails, or gives you work notifications, it means that the work pressure has exceeded your tolerance.

To avoid being overwhelmed by work-related calls and emails, first share your problems with your boss or team leader. If they don't resonate, it's time to change your environment.

Try to avoid events with colleagues : If your workplace shows signs of unfair competition, gossiping or isolating someone, then it is definitely an “unhealthy” working environment. This makes you always feel uncomfortable or do not want to participate in meetings outside of work with colleagues, this may be a sign that you are not suitable for the working environment.

Feeling depressed even after completing tasks : In case you have achieved all your work goals but still feel depressed, then this means that your work environment is affecting your mental health.

You don't like your current workplace : Seriously think about changing your environment if you often find yourself becoming more closed off, skeptical and harsh with people around you than before, which makes you dislike yourself. Because if you maintain a job in this environment for a long time, you can become more and more negative, both your health and spirit will be affected and even spread bad energy to your relatives and family.

NGỌC THUỲ (THEO healthshots)

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