Palm sugar and honey, which is better for weight loss

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Palm sugar and honey are plants that can replace sugar in a weight loss diet, so which one is better for health?

Weight loss benefits of honey

- Honey has a lower sugar content than refined sugar, eating honey does not cause a sudden increase in blood sugar.

- The sweetness of honey helps reduce cravings. Antioxidants and minerals such as iron and zinc in honey support effective metabolism. Using honey instead of sugar has the effect of preventing obesity and losing weight.

- Prebiotics in honey promote intestinal health, enhancing nutrient absorption. In addition, honey's antioxidants fight inflammation associated with obesity.

- Honey contains Hydroxymethylfuran (HMF), which aids in fat burning. Additionally, tryptophan and other compounds found in honey can reduce cortisol levels, which are linked to belly fat.

Weight loss benefits of palm sugar

- Palm sugar is rich in fiber, eating palm sugar helps you feel full longer, reduces cravings and supports healthy digestion.

- Palm sugar has a lower sugar content than refined sugar, preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar, insulin resistance and weight gain.

- This sugar contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium and iron, which are necessary for energy metabolism and weight regulation.

- Palm sugar stimulates digestive enzymes, enhancing nutrient absorption. The minerals and antioxidants in palm sugar support metabolism, helping to stimulate intestinal motility.

Which is better for weight loss?

When comparing jaggery and honey for weight loss, honey is often considered the better choice because:

- Honey has fewer calories than palm sugar, a tablespoon of honey has about 64 calories, while palm sugar contains about 65-70 calories.

- Honey has a lower glycemic index than jaggery. This helps regulate blood sugar levels, resulting in fewer insulin spikes, which are linked to fat storage.

- Honey is rich in antioxidants, enzymes and minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium. These nutrients can help boost metabolism, indirectly supporting weight loss. Palm sugar contains essential nutrients, especially iron, magnesium and potassium, but lacks the enzymes and antioxidants found in honey.

- Honey has antibacterial properties that contain certain enzymes that aid in better digestion and metabolism, promoting better fat burning.

- Honey is sweeter than palm sugar, so only a small amount is needed to achieve the desired sweetness. This helps reduce the total calorie intake, which helps with weight loss.

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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