Promote relaxation
With its mild aroma, chamomile tea is an herbal tea with calming properties. Apigenin found in chamomile tea helps calm the nervous system, promoting relaxation, helping you sleep better.
Reduce anxiety and depression
Along with its relaxing effects, the apigenin in chamomile tea helps relieve anxiety and depression. Reducing anxiety in general can help you sleep better.
Improve sleep quality
Drinking a warm cup of chamomile tea can not only help you relax, but it can also improve the quality of your sleep. That is, it can help regulate your sleep cycle, promoting deeper, more restful sleep.
Drinking chamomile tea about 30-60 minutes before bed helps your body relax and prepare for sleep. Sipping the tea slowly while relaxing in a quiet environment will enhance the calming effects of the tea.
Enhance the flavor of your chamomile tea by incorporating other healthy herbs like mint, ginger, etc. Store dried chamomile flowers in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. This will help the flowers retain their essential oils, providing the relaxing benefits of the tea.