Bonus for women who give birth to 2 children before age 35

Hà Lê |

Many localities have issued regulations to award Certificates of Merit and bonuses to women who give birth to two children before the age of 35, in places with low birth rates.

The list of 21 provinces and cities in Vietnam that give bonuses in low birth rate areas is specified in the Appendix issued with Decision 588/QD-TTg in 2020 of the Prime Minister, including:

Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Thap, Hau Giang, Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Binh Duong, Khanh Hoa, Long An, Bac Lieu, Tay Ninh, Soc Trang, Ca Mau, Dong Nai, Binh Thuan, Tien Giang, Can Tho, Vinh Long, An Giang, Ben Tre, Da Nang, Quang Ngai and Kien Giang.

Policy on awarding Certificates of Merit to women who give birth to 2 children before the age of 35 in some provinces and cities is as follows:

Long An:

Women who give birth to two children before the age of 35 will be rewarded with a one-time cash reward of 1 million VND/woman by the District People's Committee.

Kien Giang:

Implement individual rewards for women who give birth to 2 children before the age of 35 (from August 1, 2024), comply with population policy, and receive a one-time certificate of merit from the Chairman of the People's Committee of the commune, ward, or town along with a bonus according to the law on emulation and rewards.

(According to point b, clause 1, Article 3, Resolution 12/2024/NQ-HDND)

Hau Giang:

Individual rewards in the form of a Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of the District People's Committee for women who give birth to 2 children before the age of 35, according to the provisions of the 2022 Law on Emulation and Commendation. Funding source from the District Emulation and Commendation Fund.

Support for women who give birth to 2 children before the age of 35: One-time support for prenatal screening costs (ultrasound and tests for Down, Edward, Patau, Neural tube defects, Thalassemia,...) and newborn screening (G6PD deficiency, Congenital hypothyroidism, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Congenital deafness, Congenital heart disease) according to current medical service prices at public medical facilities for women who give birth to 2 children before the age of 35, without violating population policy. Funding source from health sector.

One-time support of 1.5 million VND for hospital fees for women who give birth to 2 children before the age of 35, without violating population policy. Funding source from health sector.

Bac Lieu:

Awarding Certificates of Merit from the Chairman of the People's Committee of the district, town, city and one-time support of 1 million VND for hospital fees to women who give birth to 2 children before the age of 35, without violating population policy.

Tien Giang:

Women who give birth to 2 children before the age of 35 are praised and given financial support: 1 million VND.

Ben Tre:

Women of childbearing age (before 35 years old) who give birth to 2 children (from the effective date of this Resolution) will be awarded a one-time Certificate of Merit with a bonus by the Chairman of the Commune People's Committee according to the law on emulation and commendation.

Detailed bonus level:

- Provinces and cities with a bonus of 1 million VND/child: These are usually provinces and cities with high birth rates, where tighter control is needed to avoid population explosion.

- Provinces and cities with bonuses from 2 million VND to 3 million VND/child: These areas often have average birth rates and need slight adjustments to ensure a reasonable birth rate is maintained.

- Provinces and cities with bonuses from 4 million VND to 5 million VND/child: In provinces and cities with low birth rates, higher bonus policies are applied to encourage childbirth.

Hà Lê

5 lợi ích của nho khô đen đối với phụ nữ mang thai

BÍCH NGỌC (theo the health) |

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Bài và ảnh NGUYỄN LY |

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