The Department of Hepatitis, the Central Hospital of Tropical Diseases has received L.V.T patients, 51 years old, in Hai Phong with severe jaundice and acute liver failure by arbitrarily stopping medicine for hepatitis B.
Two years ago, L.V.T patient was diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B and was prescribed to use antiviral drugs to control the disease. However, the patient did not comply with treatment, taken drugs with irregular drugs and especially stopped the medicine for more than a month before being hospitalized.
After about 2 weeks of stopping the drug, the patient felt tired, anorexia, bloating, fear of grease, but was subjective not to see a doctor. By the third week, the patient began to appear clearly jaundice, dark urine, faded and abdominal stool due to ascites. During the fourth week, the patient of general edema, subcutaneous bleeding, slow awareness and poor response.
The family has taken the patient to a medical facility in a state of heavy jaundice, large ascites, slow contact, lethargy, and signs of progressive liver failure. Although the patient has been filtered and plasma filter twice at the previous medical facility, the condition has not improved.
After that, the patient was transferred to the Department of Hepatitis, Hospital of Central Tropical Diseases for further treatment. At the hospital, the patient was diagnosed with acute liver failure, cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis B, liver coma and a risk of rapid progression to 3-4 if not controlled in time. The bilirubin index at the time of hospitalization is over 400 µmol/l (normally less than 17 µmol/l), although it has been filtered twice. In addition, the patient's prothrombin index is less than 30% (normally over 70%), causing serious coagulation disorders and bleeding under the skin. The patient also shows signs of renal failure due to liver syndrome, with an index of creatinine increasing by more than 50% compared to normal and the amount of urine decreases sharply.
According to Dr. Doi Ngoc Anh, Department of Hepatitis, National Hospital of Tropical Diseases, when patients with chronic hepatitis B arbitrarily stopped the drug, the virus could regenerate strongly, cause acute hepatitis, damage the liver seriously Trong. Initially, the patient may only feel tired, eat poorly, bloating and jaundice are not clear.
However, after 2-3 weeks, jaundice and yellow eyes will begin to appear, dark urine, abdomen due to accumulation of abdominal fluid. As the disease gets worse, the patient may edemate the whole body, the bleeding under the skin, and show signs of liver coma (liver brain disease), distraction and confusion.
Dr. Ngoc Anh said: "Hepatic coma (hepatic brain disease) is a dangerous complication of acute liver failure. This disease has 4 levels, from mild confusion to deep coma. Advice on medical treatment, patients may need liver transplant to maintain life. "
Dr. Ngoc Anh emphasized: The periodic examination helps to detect liver cancer early. If the tumor is detected in the early stages, treatment will be much more effective than when the disease has progressed. Therefore, each patient of hepatitis B needs a sense of health protection, compliance with treatment regimen and proactively monitoring periodic health, not arbitrarily stopping the drug to avoid dangerous complications and improve substance. Life volume.