Causes of itchy gums


Itchy gums can be caused by many different factors, including allergies , gum disease or hormonal changes.

What are the symptoms of itchy gums?

According to Dr. Sacheev Nanda, a prosthodontist at Ruby Hall Clinic, India, symptoms of itchy gums include a persistent urge to scratch or rub your gums. In addition to this main symptom, you may also notice:

Redness, especially if the itching is caused by inflammation or irritation.

- Sensitivity to touch when brushing teeth or eating.

- Bleeding gums, especially when brushing or flossing.

- Pain or discomfort in the affected area.

- Bad breath due to infection or plaque buildup.

What causes itchy gums?

Gum disease

This disease can cause itching in the gums along with other symptoms such as redness, says Dr. Nanda. If left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis, a more serious form that can lead to tooth loss .

Allergic reactions

Allergies to certain foods, dental products (such as toothpaste or mouthwash), or dental materials (such as rubber) can cause an allergic reaction. This reaction can cause itching in the gums along with other symptoms such as swelling or redness.

Dry mouth

Dry mouth or xerostomia occurs when the salivary glands do not produce enough saliva and lack moisture. This can cause gums to become dry and itchy.

Plaque buildup

Plaque contains bacteria, which accumulates on teeth and causes inflammation of the surrounding gum tissue. Plaque on teeth irritates the gums, causing itching, inflammation, and redness. If not removed through regular brushing and flossing, it can lead to gum disease.

Hormonal changes

Changes in hormone levels, especially in women during puberty, pregnancy, menstruation or menopause, can affect the gums.

According to Dr. Nanda, during these stages of a woman's life, changes in estrogen levels can increase blood flow to the gums, making them more sensitive and susceptible to inflammation and itching.


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