How does chewing on one side affect your teeth?


Many people only chew on one side of their jaw rạng when eating because it feels comfortable and natural, but dentists advise against keeping dentists advise against keeping this habit.

What happens if you only chew on one side of your jaw?

Dr. Niyati Arora - dentist at Krown Hub Dental Clinic, Pitampura (India) - said that chewing on only one side of the jaw for a long time will cause the jaw to function and develop asymmetrically.

“First, you will notice that the side of the jaw that is used more often will be significantly worn down. The side that is not used can accumulate more tartar and calculus,” says Dr. Niyati Arora.

If not removed, tartar and white lime on teeth can lead to receding gums and create a favorable environment for bacteria to grow, causing infection.

In addition, the habit of chewing on one side will cause the teeth to weaken quickly, because the teeth on the side that chew a lot will have to work with greater intensity, so the chewing surface of the teeth will wear out faster and more than normal. This can lead to oral diseases such as pulpitis, tooth decay, pulp necrosis...

According to Dr. Arora, the jaw muscles on the side used for chewing more will also be more developed than the other side, leading to facial asymmetry.

“This causes uneven wear of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). If this condition continues, the patient may have pain near the ear or a clicking sound in the joints when opening and closing the mouth," Ms. Arora analyzed.

Chew food properly

“The ideal chewing process involves using both sides of the mouth equally. You should also chew slowly and thoroughly. This will help prevent jaw muscle tension and excessive wear on the teeth,” says Dr. Niyati Arora.

Remember, chewing slowly and thoroughly not only helps break up food to aid digestion, but also reduces pressure on the jaw.

Ms. Arora also advises against chewing on non-food items such as pencils, pens or stones as these habits can damage teeth and potentially lead to fractures that are difficult to repair.

“Chewing is the first step in the digestive process, and if we don't do it properly, the entire process can be affected because the food is not broken down effectively,” notes Dr. Arora .

When this poorly chewed food reaches the stomach, digestive juices and acids have to work harder to break it down. This can lead to poor nutrient absorption, stomach pain, and bloating.


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