Dengue fever in peak season

Hà Lê |

After floods, there is a high risk of infectious diseases, especially dengue fever.

After the floods, the weather is now sunny, creating favorable conditions for disease-carrying mosquitoes to breed. Monitoring results at some outbreak areas still show insect numbers exceeding the risk threshold, and the number of cases is forecast to continue to increase in the coming time.

Associate Professor, Dr. Tran Dac Phu, former Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health said that after floods, the diseases with the highest risk are diarrhea, pink eye, respiratory tract infections, flu, infectious diseases...

A humid, polluted environment is a favorable condition for mosquitoes to develop, so dengue fever is very likely to occur. On the other hand, after floods, diseases caused by disease vectors develop strongly. These are diseases that are very contagious and can cause widespread outbreaks. A typical example of this is dengue fever.

Right in Hanoi, according to the Hanoi Center for Disease Control (CDC), last week (from September 6 to September 13), the entire city recorded 227 cases of dengue fever, an increase of 37 cases compared to the previous week.

Hanoi CDC assessed that dengue fever has now entered its peak period (September to November), with complex and unpredictable weather conditions combined with heavy rain creating favorable conditions for the reproduction and development of disease-carrying mosquitoes. At the same time, monitoring results at some outbreak areas still recorded insect indexes exceeding the risk threshold, predicting that the number of dengue fever cases will continue to increase in the coming time.

Dengue fever will continue to increase in the near future if there are no effective control and prevention measures. In addition to the causes of recent floods, climate change, the earth tends to get warmer while the mosquito that causes dengue fever "prefers" hot and humid climates.

Dengue fever occurs year-round, but the number of cases often increases during the rainy season. In the South, the disease begins to increase in June, increases sharply in August, and according to forecasts this year, the peak of dengue fever will fall in October.

The Ministry of Health has requested the maintenance of mobile anti-epidemic teams, supporting lower-level units in monitoring and handling epidemics and infectious diseases after storms and floods. After receiving a request from Son La province, the Ministry of Health decided to provide the provincial Department of Health with 3,000 barrels of Cloramin B from the disaster prevention warehouse, totaling 75,000 kg, to disinfect water sources.

Hà Lê

Cảnh báo Hà Nội bước vào cao điểm dịch sốt xuất huyết

Thuỳ Linh |

CDC Hà Nội nhận định dịch sốt xuất huyết hiện đã bắt đầu bước vào giai đoạn cao điểm của dịch hàng năm.

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Hà Nội còn 30 ổ dịch sốt xuất huyết đang hoạt động

hà lê |

Theo CDC Hà Nội, cộng dồn từ đầu năm 2024 đến nay, Hà Nội ghi nhận 120 ổ dịch sốt xuất huyết, trong đó có 30 ổ dịch đang hoạt động.

Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp qua đời


Cụ bà Đặng Bích Hà - phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp, qua đời ngày 17.9, hưởng thọ 96 tuổi.

Quảng Ninh chi 1.000 tỉ đồng khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3

Đoàn Hưng |

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Warning Hanoi enters peak dengue fever epidemic

Thuỳ Linh |

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Hanoi still has 30 active dengue fever outbreaks

hà lê |

According to the Hanoi CDC, from the beginning of 2024 to now, Hanoi has recorded 120 dengue fever outbreaks , of which 30 are active.