Cơ sở thẩm mỹ

Many non-medical cosmetic establishments operate for profit


On August 22, the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City held a conference "Strengthening solutions to ensure patient safety in cosmetic surgery".

A cosmetic facility in Quang Tri advertising "the best" was fined


The Department of Health of Quang Tri province inspected a number of cosmetic establishments, discovered violations and imposed fines.

"Whistle Blown" Unlicensed Beauty Parlor in Huế


Hue - Establishment beauty centers in Hue have been required by law enforcement to cease operations due to lack of records and licenses.

Quang Binh reviews cosmetic facilities in the area


The Quang Binh Department of Health has just established a team to inspect cosmetic facilities in the area. The inspection will be sudden and without prior notice.

Bỏ 35 triệu đồng đi thẩm mỹ chữa hói đầu không hiệu quả, khách ôm trái đắng


Nghệ An - Bị rụng tóc không rõ nguyên nhân, anh Đặng Trọng H đến cơ sở thẩm mỹ Mayo Clinic 12 Nguyễn Phong Sắc (TP Vinh) để chữa hói đầu nhưng không hiệu quả. Anh H đến đòi lại tiền theo cam kết nhưng cơ này chỉ chấp nhận trả lại 30% tổng chi phí khách hàng đã bỏ ra.