Luật Đất đai

Conditions for converting agricultural land use rights from August 1

Như Hạ (T/H) |

The article below will provide detailed information about the conditions for converting agricultural land use rights from August 1, 2024.

How did project compensation prices change before and after 1.8?

Khánh Linh |

The project compensation land price list is clearly specified both before and after the 2024 Land Law is applied.

Agricultural land recovery can be compensated with residential land

Minh Huy (T/H) |

The State recovers agricultural land, people have more opportunities to be compensated with residential land and houses according to the provisions of the Land Law 2024.

How long does it take to correct the issued red book according to the new regulations?

Như Hạ (T/H) |

From August 1, 2024, depending on implementation conditions, the time to correct the issued red book will be different.

31 cases were not compensated for land when land was recovered

Thạch Lam |

Based on Article 101 of Land Law No. 31/2024/QH15, there are regulations on 31 cases of land being recovered by the state without land compensation.

People enjoy additional benefits when the State recovers land

Minh Huy (T/H) |

Clause 2, Article 91 of the Land Law 2024 stipulates 4 forms of compensation when the State recovers land, increasing people's rights.

Can overseas Vietnamese mortgage their houses?

Nam Dương |

A reader emailed and asked: Can people of Vietnamese origin living abroad mortgage housing attached to land use rights at a bank?

Risks pile up before the wave of purchasing agricultural land

Thu Giang |

Many experts have warned about the risks when individuals and organizations are buying up agricultural land in the real estate market .

Agricultural land types are not certified

Nam Dương |

Readers email to ask: According to the new regulations, which types of agricultural land will not be granted land use rights certificates?

Avoid the phenomenon of businesses speculating and hoarding "golden land"


According to Mr. Nguyen Van Dinh - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Real Estate Association, Decree 102/2024/ND-CP of the Government has detailed regulations on land recovery .

Responsibility of the State when providing the latest land information

Linh Đan |

The State's responsibility in providing land information is specified in Article 18 of the Land Law 2024.

Can commercial arbitration resolve land disputes?

Nam Dương |

Readers can email to ask: According to the new regulations, can land disputes be resolved by commercial arbitration?