Béo phì

Obesity affects bones, joints and diabetes

Thanh Thanh |

According to Tam Anh General Hospital, obesity is a chronic, recurring and progressive disease. It is the gateway to many diseases, threatening the patient's health.

How is obesity related to snoring?

Ngọc Linh (nguồn: healthline) |

Overweight and obese people often suffer from snoring.

Obesity and its relationship to gastroesophageal reflux

Cao Thơm |

Obesity is a risk factor for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This condition affects the health and quality of life of the patient.

4 groups of people should limit eating custard apple

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Healthline) |

Custard apple is a nutritious fruit and very popular in Vietnam, however, not everyone can eat this fruit comfortably.

Dare to do, dare to bear!

Việt Văn |

He was a member of the “pillow” generation, his body weighed almost 100kg, like a Sumo wrestler, shaking it back and forth to be polite, then yawning and asking his father what his mother fed him this morning. His father, with gray hair, was surfing the internet to see the aftermath of the super typhoon , rolled down his window and mumbled: If not rice rolls, then wontons, at most instant pho.

Critically obese, male patient snores leading to suffocation

Cao Thơm |

A male patient weighing 137kg, is facing snoring and many serious health complications due to obesity.

4 juice recipes to help fight obesity and reduce waistline

MỸ LY (Theo Step To Health) |

According to Step To Health, the detoxifying and digestive properties of some fruit and vegetable juices can help you fight obesity .

Main reasons causing the body to accumulate excess fat, obesity

Hương Giang (Theo Bệnh viện Đa khoa Medlatec) |

Night eating is one of the primary causes of disorder and the accumulation of excess fat leading to obesity.

Wondering about the main culprit causing overweight and obesity

Hương Giang |

Currently, there is no clear scientific basis and there are still many concerns regarding sugary beverages as the cause of obesity in Vietnamese children.

Those who should not eat durian regularly


Durian is a nutritious and delicious fruit, but not everyone should eat it.

The causes of obesity you may not expect

Hương Giang (Verywell Mind) |

Stress affects your appetite and eating habits. When stressed, you often tend to choose unhealthy foods that cause obesity .

4 eating habits that accumulate visceral fat causing obesity

HẠ MÂY (Theo aboluowang) |

Obesity is a chronic disease caused by an excess of fat in the body. The causes of obesity and accumulation of visceral fat, in addition to lack of exercise and genetics, are also due to daily eating habits.

Vì sao béo phì gây chậm thai, vô sinh?

Sông Hàn |

Vô sinh do nhiều nguyên nhân như do yếu tố sinh học, di truyền, lối sống, tuổi tác… Béo phì được xác định là một trong những nguyên nhân chính gây ra vô sinh ở cả nam và nữ giới.

Những thói quen nào cần thay đổi để giảm nồng độ axit uric?

nhóm pv |

Nếu bạn bị axit uric cao, bạn không những phải chú ý đến chế độ ăn uống mà còn phải chú ý tới những thói quen hàng ngày. Dưới đây là những lưu ý bạn không nên bỏ qua nếu muốn cải thiện tình trạng axit uric cao.

Axit uric cao có thể gây béo phì

Vũ Anh (theo Healthlevel) |

Nồng độ axit uric cao không chỉ gây ra bệnh gout mà còn có thể gây béo phì qua cơ chế kháng insulin và viêm nhiễm.