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How to use moringa powder to lose weight, beautify skin and hair


Moringa is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, so it not only helps with weight loss but also helps with skin and hair care.

6 wonderful benefits of berries for the skin


Berries are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which help maintain healthy and radiant skin .

Stay away from this food if you don't want hormonal acne to get worse

Ngọc Linh (Nguồn: healthline) |

Eating a lot of the foods below will make your acne worse.

Skin care tips for people aged 60 and over

Thanh Thanh |

Some skin care tips for people aged 60 and over such as sun protection, using a humidifier when the air is dry...

How to use retinol correctly for ageless skin

Ngọc Linh (Nguồn: women health) |

Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A, belonging to the retinoid group. Proper use of retinol will help skin cells fight aging and preserve youthful beauty.

How much sunscreen is enough?

Ngọc Linh (Nguồn: Healthline) |

Applying enough sunscreen will provide optimal protection for your skin from harmful effects of the sun.

Measures to help skin become firmer and more youthful


Over time, the skin will gradually lose elasticity and become sagging. Here are some remedies that can help you achieve firmer and more youthful skin .

5 homemade face masks for sensitive skin


Add various types of face mask that can be made at home to sensitive skin care routine to maintain a bright, smooth, and radiant complexion.

7 benefits of turmeric when used in skin care

MỸ LY (Theo Step to health) |

With strong antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, turmeric is increasingly popular in the cosmetic industry when used for skin care.

Skin care tips at age 50

Thanh Thanh |

At age 50, skin can become dry, lose moisture, increase sensitivity, and cause skin irritation...

How to determine facial skin type and care methods

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

The most common skin types include normal skin, oily skin, dry skin, combination skin, and sensitive skin. How to know what type of skin you have?

Benefits of wheat germ oil for skin and hair


Wheat germ oil is a versatile and nutrient-rich oil that can help you have glowing skin and naturally shiny hair .

How to make aloe vera gel at home with 7 simple steps


Aloe vera gel has many benefits for health, from skincare to improving hair. Here are 7 simple steps to make aloe vera gel at home.

How to make aloe vera gel at home


Aloe vera has many benefits for skin and hair. Here are the ways to make aloe vera gel at home to get the purest form.

4 flaxseed masks help brighten and smooth skin


Flaxseeds are full of essential nutrients, making them a great ingredient for skin care.