Child Male, 7 Years Old, Suffers from Aggressive Leukemia


As the youngest child in a poor family, the ailing child Lê Tấn Phước (7 years old, residing in Bình Phước Province) endures excruciating pain on a daily basis due to the acute leukemia that has afflicted him.

Over a year ago, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Tu - the mother of the patient Tran Phuoc - has been constantly moving between Binh Phuoc province and Ho Chi Minh City to take her child to receive treatment.

According to Mrs. Tu, Tran Phuoc is the third and youngest child in the family. Since birth, the child has been healthy like any other normal child. However, in 2023, the family discovered that the child had a large swelling on the neck, so they took him to Hospital 2 for Children to receive treatment.

After surgery, the swelling grew larger and new swellings (larger than an egg) appeared all over the child's body.

At Hospital 2 for Children, after multiple surgeries and sending tissue samples to the Department of Anatomy at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City twice, after 7 months of waiting, the consultation results showed that Tran Phuoc was suffering from Lymphoma (a type of aggressive blood cancer).

“Holding the results in my hand, I was still shaking with fear because I couldn't believe it was true. Everything was too cruel for my family,” Mrs. Tu shared with sadness.

To continue treatment and find a chance for her child to live, the family has been trying to follow the treatment plan of the doctors at Hospital 2 for Children. However, the hospital informed them that they did not have enough medicine to treat the child, so the family went to the Ho Chi Minh City Blood Hospital (located in Binh Chanh) to receive treatment but were told that the treatment cost was around VND 10 billion.

“Because we do not have the financial ability, my family has returned to the Second Branch of the Cancer Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City to receive treatment. I do not know the total hospital fee to be able to complete the treatment according to the hospital's treatment plan, but currently, the cost of buying medicine outside and receiving treatment is around VND 20 million per day. From when we took the child to Hospital 2 for Children in 2023 until the child was diagnosed with blood cancer, our family's economy has been severely exhausted, and we have had to borrow money from many places to treat the child, but it is still not enough,” Mrs. Tu shared with her family's situation.

Currently, the entire family's economy is shouldered by her husband, who works as a laborer peeling rubber and harvesting coffee, with a precarious income, only enough to buy food for the family and her elderly mother, who is suffering from lung cancer and has been receiving treatment at Dr. Pham Ngoc Thach Hospital since the beginning of the year, making it difficult for the couple to cope, and now it is even more difficult.

Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh, Chairman of Nghia Trung Commune, Bù Đăng District, Binh Phuoc Province, confirmed that Mrs. Tu's family is currently classified as a family with difficult circumstances on the commune's territory. The commune is also trying to implement policies to support Mrs. Tu's family to alleviate the difficulties they are facing.

All forms of help in LD 24059 can be sent to: Tấm Lòng Vàng Charity Fund - 51 Hang Bo Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi. Account number (STK) 113000000758 at Vietinbank Hoan Kiem Branch, Hanoi; STK: 0021000303088 - at Vietcombank Hanoi Branch; STK: 12410001122556 - at BIDV Hoan Kiem Branch.

Or please scan the QR code:

Or please contact Mrs. Nguyen Thi Tu (mother of Tran Phuoc), residing in Thon 6, Nghia Trung Commune, Bù Đăng District, Binh Phuoc Province. Phone number: 098 394 84 36.

LD 24058: Cụ bà 74 tuổi gánh gồng nuôi con cháu


Tuổi già vất vả ngược xuôi lo cho con gái bị bệnh, nuôi 2 cháu nhỏ, cụ bà 74 tuổi hết lòng lo cho con, cháu.

LD 24055: Cháu trai 5 tuổi bị bàng quang lộ ngoài, không có hậu môn


Mới 5 tuổi nhưng cháu trai Bùi Gia Bảo đã phải trải qua 9 cuộc phẫu thuật vì bàng quang lộ ngoài, không có hậu môn và không có bộ phận sinh dục.

LD 24048: Nữ sinh người La Hủ mắc bệnh hiểm nghèo cần được cứu giúp


Vừa hoàn thành kỳ thi vào lớp 10 THPT, nữ sinh người La Hủ ở huyện Mường Tè, tỉnh Lai Châu bỗng nổi hạch khắp cơ thể, toàn thân vàng vọt, yếu ớt. Em được chẩn đoán bị bệnh ung thư máu.

Bên trong những ngôi nhà tạm vùng rốn lũ Mường Pồn


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LD 24058: 74-year-old woman struggles to support her children and grandchildren


Old age struggles to take care of a sick daughter and raise 2 young grandchildren, the 74-year-old elderly woman wholeheartedly cares for her children and grandchildren.

LD 24055: A 5-year-old boy has an exposed bladder and no anus


At just 5 years old, Bui Gia Bao's grandson had to undergo 9 surgeries because his bladder was exposed, he had no anus and no genitals.

LD 24048: Nữ sinh người La Hủ mắc bệnh hiểm nghèo cần được cứu giúp


Vừa hoàn thành kỳ thi vào lớp 10 THPT, nữ sinh người La Hủ ở huyện Mường Tè, tỉnh Lai Châu bỗng nổi hạch khắp cơ thể, toàn thân vàng vọt, yếu ớt. Em được chẩn đoán bị bệnh ung thư máu.