Germany declares it is not afraid of Russia's warning

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Germany declares "not to be intimidated" by warnings from Russia about US missiles planned to be deployed in Berlin.

DW reported, on July 29, the German government Germany stated that it had "taken note" of President Vladimir Putin's weekend comments that Russia would change its military stance if the US deployed more medium-range cruise missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads on German soil in the coming years.

"We will not be intimidated by such comments" - German Foreign Ministry spokesperson Sebastian Fischer said at a press conference in Berlin.

Government deputy spokesperson, Christiane Hoffmann, said that they had "taken note" of Putin's comments but also mentioned that the proposed changes in the deployment plan of US missiles would only be for "deterrence" and are necessary in light of recent Russian actions.

"Since Russia has altered the strategic balance in Europe, threatening Europe and Germany with cruise missiles, we must establish deterrence measures" - Christiane Hoffmann said.

President Putin stated at the Russian Navy parade in St. Petersburg on July 28 that if the US continues its plan to deploy more weapons in Europe - which theoretically could target Russia - Moscow would consider similar countermeasures.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Andrei Belousov at the Russian Navy parade in St. Petersburg, July 28, 2024. Photo: Kremlin
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Andrei Belousov at the Russian Navy parade in St. Petersburg, July 28, 2024. Photo: Kremlin

"If the US carries out such plans, we will revoke the previous unilateral suspension on the deployment of medium- and short-range offensive weapons, including enhancing the capabilities of our navy's coastal forces" - Putin said, referring to the terms of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) of 1987 - from which the US and later Russia withdrew in 2019. Each side blamed the other for violating the treaty's terms.

However, President Putin also declared that Russia has adhered to the INF terms since leaving the agreement but will cease compliance if more US weapons are deployed in Germany.

On July 10, US and Germany issued a joint statement indicating that the US would begin deploying new weapons in Germany from 2026. These weapons will have a longer range than any other weapons currently deployed in Europe.

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