Russian supersonic aircraft bombed and destroyed Ukrainian stronghold in Kursk

Khánh Minh |

Russian Su-34 supersonic aircraft destroyed Ukrainian stronghold in the border area of ​​Kursk province.

“The crew of the Su-34 multi-role supersonic fighter-bomber of the Russian Aerospace Forces attacked the manpower concentration and stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the border area of ​​the Kursk region, hitting the universal planning and adjustment module,” Sputnik reported, citing information from the Russian Ministry of National Defense.

After confirmation from intelligence that the personnel and stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine had been destroyed, the crew returned safely to the airport.

On October 10, the Russian army also attacked equipment depots of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kursk.

Russian Su-34 destroys Ukrainian stronghold in Kursk. Video: Russian Ministry of National Defence

Russian air and artillery strikes defeated the manpower and equipment of the 21st, 22nd, 47th and 61st mechanized brigades, the 17th tank brigade, the 80th, 82nd and 95th air assault brigades, the 1st and 17th brigades of the National Guard of Ukraine, as well as the 103rd, 112th and 129th territorial defense brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the settlements of Daryno, Kolmakov, Leonidovo, Lyubimovka, Martynovka, Makhnovka, Nikolaevo-Daryino, Novy Put, Nizhny Klin, Novoivanovka, Orlovka, Plekhovo, Pravda, Sverdlikovo, Tolsty Lug and Cherkasskoye Porechnoe.

In addition, operational-tactical aviation units and missile units attacked manpower concentrations in the Sumy Oblast of Ukraine and the reserves of the 21st, 47th and 115th mechanized brigades, the 95th air assault brigade, the 36th marine brigade, the 78th air assault brigade, as well as the 103rd, 112th and 119th territorial defense brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the settlements of Katerynovka, Mirlogi, Miropolye, Obody, Pavlovka, Rechki, Stepanovka and Yastrebinoe.

Russia's Tor-M2 air defense missile system continues to operate in the border area of ​​Kursk province. Video: Russian Ministry of National Defense

Over the past 24 hours, the Russian Northern Group of Troops has repelled two Ukrainian attacks in the direction of the settlements of Lyubimovka and Kamyshevka.

As a result, the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered 30 people killed and wounded, one tank and one car were destroyed, and five servicemen surrendered.

According to the assessment of the Russian Ministry of National Defense, in the past day, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kursk province amounted to more than 200 soldiers, 3 tanks, an armored fighting vehicle, a mortar, an electronic warfare station and a car.

Khánh Minh

Vũ khí vạn năng yểm trợ Nga đẩy lùi Ukraina giải phóng Kursk

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Quân đội Nga thông báo đã đẩy lùi lực lượng Ukraina, giải phóng thêm hai ngôi làng ở tỉnh Kursk của Nga.

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Song Minh |

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Ngọc Vân |

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Universal weapons support Russia to push back Ukraine to liberate Kursk

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