Close-up of Russian UAV in combat

Ngọc Vân |

The Russian Ministry of National Defense released a video showing combat operations of Russian UAVs.

The Russian military's Zapad Force has successfully used various types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for combat and cargo delivery.

In the shortest possible time, a quadcopter operator can destroy a small unit, attack a stronghold or destroy an enemy combat vehicle.

There are no problems in supplying reconnaissance and combat drones to units, the Russian Ministry of National Defense said.

The video also shows UAVs being used to deliver food parcels to the attacking troops. Supplying soldiers on the front lines fighting Ukraine is too dangerous. Therefore, all supplies are delivered by drones. The standard weight is 2.5 kg.

Close-up of Russian UAV operations. Video: Russian Ministry of National Defense

The video also shows a field service center. There is a work area for a drone engineer. This is where he assembles combat components for FPV drones.

Here, the engineer can recast enemy drones or get friendly drones back into action as quickly as possible. Such speed gives them an air advantage. It takes several hours for a drone to reach the workshop and return to the front line.

Ngọc Vân

Trực thăng Nga tung hỏa lực vô hiệu hóa quân Ukraina ở Kursk

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Bộ Quốc phòng Nga cho biết quân đội Ukraina đã mất 200 binh lính chỉ trong 24 giờ qua ở tỉnh Kursk của Nga.

Siêu bom mạnh nhất của Nga phá hủy kho đạn dược Ukraina

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