Negotiators race to deliver new Gaza ceasefire proposal

Cao Thảo |

The White House is trying to come up with a new proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza, despite facing many obstacles.

Reuters reported that on September 4 (local time), the White House is trying to make a new proposal on a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages by Hamas in the coming days. The information was confirmed by 2 US officials and 2 sources to Reuters.

US officials said the new proposal was aimed at resolving key sticking points in months of talks brokered by the US, Qatar and Egypt to seek a ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

A senior U.S. official told reporters privately on Sept. 4 that much of the deal had been agreed upon. But negotiators were still trying to work out two key hurdles: Israel ’s demand that it maintain a force in the Philadelphia corridor, a buffer zone south of Gaza, and the specific individuals who would be involved in the swap of Hamas hostages and Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

A US official added that a new draft agreement could be released next week or even sooner. “There’s a sense that time is running out. Don’t be surprised if you see it this weekend,” the person said.

In addition, Hamas's killing of six hostages and return of their bodies to Israel has complicated the effort. Officials are feeling the urgency. "There is a strong sense among negotiators that a ceasefire is slowly slipping out of reach," one person said.

CIA Director William Burns, the lead US negotiator, led a small group of senior officials working on the draft that included White House Middle East coordinator Brett McGurk and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Blinken’s last trip to the region last month failed to produce a breakthrough. Mediators continue discussions. Egyptian sources say the US is shifting from a consultative approach to trying to impose a ceasefire plan on the parties.

Cao Thảo

Đàm phán ngừng bắn ở Gaza vẫn chưa có hồi kết

Bùi Đức |

Các nhà hòa giải vẫn cố gắng tìm ra tiếng nói chung giữa Israel và Hamas để có thể đạt được thỏa thuận ngừng bắn ở Gaza.

Israel công bố video binh sĩ hoạt động trong Dải Gaza

Thanh Hà - Hữu Chánh (Nguồn: AFP) |

Israel đăng video các binh sĩ nước này trong chiến dịch ở Dải Gaza.

Cơ hội cuối để dừng chiến tranh ở Gaza

Bùi Đức |

Ngoại trưởng Mỹ Antony Blinken cho biết, hiện tại là thời điểm thích hợp nhất và có thể là cơ hội cuối cùng để dừng chiến tranh ở Gaza.

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Nguyễn Tùng |

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Hoàng Bin |

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57 người dân Làng Nủ an toàn, còn 33 nạn nhân mất tích

Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - Đến 16h chiều 14.9, lực lượng chức năng ghi nhận 57 người an toàn; còn 33 nạn nhân mất tích trong vụ lũ quét tàn khốc ở Làng Nủ.

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Anh Tú - Thanh Vũ |

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Gaza ceasefire talks still inconclusive

Bùi Đức |

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Israel releases video of soldiers operating in the Gaza Strip

Thanh Hà - Hữu Chánh (Nguồn: AFP) |

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Last chance to stop the war in Gaza

Bùi Đức |

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