Discovery of Ancient Egyptian Tomb Containing a Treasure Trove of Gold Artifacts

Thanh Hà |

A treasure of gold buried for nearly 3,000 years has been discovered in an ancient Egyptian tomb.

Egyptian archaeologists discovered 63 ancient tombs at Tel-El-Dir - a burial complex in the city of Damietta - filled with small statues, pottery, coins, and a mirror.

The research team believes that the artifacts could reveal secrets of ancient Egyptians from the Bronze Age, especially regarding their trade efforts with foreign countries in the city of Damietta.

Thirty-eight coins found at this archaeological site date back to the Ptolemaic period (304 to 30 BC), when one of the descendants of Alexander the Great's general ruled Egypt. The ancient coins feature images of Greek and ancient Egyptian gods.

Archaeologists believe that the artifacts and tombs date back to the Late Period (from 664 BC to 332 BC). At that time, Damietta was a foreign trade center, engaging in commerce with cities in the Mediterranean.

The pottery might be items that Damietta traded with other cities, but it is the bronze coins found in a ceramic jar that particularly attract attention, indicating the upheavals that occurred in this city.

These coins appear to be engraved with the head of the Greek god Zeus and the Egyptian god Ammon. These gods are associated with prophets and oracles dating back to the late 3rd century, Thomas Faucher - Director of the Alexandria Research Center in Egypt shared with Live Science.

Golden artifacts discovered in an ancient Egyptian tomb in Damietta. Screenshot from Daily Mail
Golden artifacts discovered in an ancient Egyptian tomb in Damietta. Screenshot from Daily Mail

These coins were issued in 206 BC, during a large-scale rebellion led by two native Egyptians, pharaohs Horwennefer and Ankhwennefer, to overthrow Greek rule.

After the uprising, there was a mass recall of coins, and these coins were additionally marked. However, the 38 bronze coins that archaeologists found were hidden by those who did not want to comply with the new rulers.

Thomas Faucher shared with Live Science that this new discovery could provide more detailed information about the events that took place and explain in more detail why the ancient Egyptians hid these items.

However, researchers have not officially confirmed whether these coins were buried during the rebellion.

The ancient tomb was built with mud bricks above the funeral chambers, but there is a large tomb containing many remains believed to be of higher social class individuals.

This ancient tomb also contains a cache of golden artifacts, such as religious statues, ancient Egyptian idols, including the Eye of Horus - the falcon-headed god worn as an amulet.

Archaeologists also discovered a cremation platform along with small gold-covered statues that drew attention for depicting "ba-birds." These are mythical winged creatures with human heads and hands, tasked with guarding the deceased in the afterlife.

Egyptian archaeologists did not disclose the condition of the tomb or the mummies found in the tomb in Damietta, but the artifacts discovered here "highlight the historical significance of this discovery, which could be the beginning of redefining the chronology of an important period for the city of Damietta."

Thanh Hà

Phát hiện bất ngờ trong ngôi mộ cổ Trung Quốc 1.200 năm tuổi

Song Minh |

Các nhà khảo cổ kinh ngạc trước phát hiện kỳ ​​diệu trong ngôi mộ cổ Trung Quốc 1.200 năm tuổi.

Giải mã chi tiết khác thường trong mộ cổ Trung Quốc

Thanh Hà |

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Thanh Hà |

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Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Hòa Bình nhận thêm nhiệm vụ


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Nước màu đỏ tràn vào khu dân cư ở Hà Nội


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