Vietnamese football needs professionalism, VFF must be really strong


Experts call for clubs to be more professional in their operations, but at the same time, the highest level organization in domestic football needs to be drastic.

How long will it last?

With Vietnamese football, each period of the year has different problems, like the flow that has become so familiar. During the season there are off-season issues - like professional issues, referees, inappropriate statements - and before the season there are pre-season issues - like licensing, how the market operates. transfer school.

Speaking of licensing, in recent days, the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) investigating Malaysian football on this issue is seen as an early warning for Vietnamese football. It's too early to say because AFC hasn't paid attention to (or has paid attention to but hasn't taken action on) Vietnamese football so that the Vietnam Football Federation and the clubs have to change.

Of course, change does not happen in a day or two, but it needs to change by not letting the situation like the past years reoccur. Vietnamese football is still difficult, but why is it difficult? Due to the stagnation of the whole system, from the club to the operating organization. There are many things that have been done that are worth noting, but if they have been done, if Vietnamese football does not see progress and cannot reach the goal of reaching out, then what has been done is too little, not enough to pull or cover up the problems. still exists.

How many years has it been the case that a club from year to year asks for an "exceptional license"? Not just 1 but many teams. Licensing takes place every year, but with so many teams not meeting standards, Vietnamese football even divides into 3 licensing categories including qualified clubs, licensed clubs with conditions attached. conditions and clubs are granted conditional licenses and penalties.

The question is, how many teams have been penalized when standards haven't been raised? In the criteria, there are conditions that need several years to implement - such as having a youth training system, but people have not seen any move from the club. What does VFF think?

Must be ready to be strong

With Vietnamese football, will VFF's strong hand against clubs lead to the V.League and lower leagues becoming ruins?

Yes, but the problem is, is Vietnamese football ready to do it again? Are you ready to take the next step in the "how much you have, how much you play" approach? It is seen that, with 10 teams, or even 8, the season can still be organized and conducted normally, in different forms.

Most importantly, the quality of football is improved, automatically other issues will also gradually improve. From youth training, there will be more rigorous screening and more focused player development. In addition to satisfying the first team, clubs can also bring young players to the transfer market, creating cash flow... When football is of good quality, the audience will automatically come, the national team has Benefit from the maturity of the players in such quality matches.

Of course, being strong with unqualified clubs also prevents Vietnamese football from being fined in the Asian arena, the remaining teams are not affected. Being strong and thinking of positive solutions is better than being influenced by the view that "without me, football cannot happen and cannot develop".


Các đội bóng V.League cần chuyên nghiệp hơn


Hệ lụy của việc cấp phép ngoại lệ cho các câu lạc bộ V.League là rất lớn, do đó, bóng đá Việt Nam cần sự chuyên nghiệp hơn từ các đội bóng.

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V.League teams need to be more professional


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