It is appropriate that the Vietnam Pickleball Federation soon be born


It's a new subject so many people want to do it

In the description, pickleball is a sport that combines badminton, table tennis and tennis. Vietnamese sports already has a management department for badminton, table tennis, and tennis (under the Department of Sports and Physical Training). A newly formed subject, the construction to develop a subject with independent management personnel at the Department of Physical Education and Sports is being considered by the management level.

However, if the Vietnam Pickleball Federation or Sports Association is established, this professional social organization will have the basis for orientation, criteria, and set goals for developing this very new sport. Many individuals and organizations have worked with the Department of Sports and Physical Training to build a campaign committee to establish the Vietnam Pickleball Federation.

Because pickleball is popular with society and receives great attention from sports brands and brands. However, specific personnel have not been decided. Through research, no less than three individuals are building roadmaps so that when the Campaign Committee to establish the Pickleball Federation is established, they will run for election as President of the Vietnam Pickleball Federation for the first term. The Department of Sports and Physical Training has its opinion because pickleball is pickleball so this sport cannot be included in badminton or tennis or table tennis.

Being professionally organized will be more effective

When the Vietnam Triathlon Federation (modern triathlon) or the Vietnam Roller Skating Federation or the Vietnam Baseball & Softball Federation were just born while the State management agency (representing Department of Physical Training and Sports) has not yet established this sport, the first thing the above mentioned Sports Federations do is organize a national club championship tournament.

That is an effective way to create an open playground for people who love their sport, and is also a form of creating momentum for the creation of a national championship in that sport in the future. After doing well in the club championships, the national triathlon championship in Vietnam has now been held.

The national roller sports championship in Vietnam has also been organized and created a good playground for participants. At the same time, many localities have specifically trained and coached the sport to call for socialization to accompany the sport. your locality.

Pickleball is heading in this direction. A 2024 national club pickleball championship is being developed with a charter, organizational scale and implementation model. The manager of the Department of Sports and Physical Training will supervise the organization of the above tournament. The primary purpose of the tournament is to create a playground for all pickleball enthusiasts nationwide to participate.

In early May 2024, the 2024 Asian Open pickleball tournament was held in Ho Chi Minh City. The tournament organized by the Asian Pickleball Federation in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh City unit attracted a large number of domestic and international pickleball players.

Currently, the International Pickleball Federation and the Asian Pickleball Federation have been established and are participating in disseminating the contents of the above sport in many countries and territories around the world as well as the international pickleball tournament. is being organized.

We have a specific, direct management agency for pickleball from the Department of Sports and Physical Training to the Vietnam Pickleball Federation (in the near future), so supervision is more guaranteed.

When the sport is developed, there must be top-notch competition and there must be strict management in the form of tournament organization in accordance with the regulations of the competent authority, the early establishment of the Vietnam Pickleball Federation is appropriate. fit.


Sắp có giải pickleball cấp quốc gia đầu tiên ở Việt Nam


Giải pickleball vô địch các câu lạc bộ quốc gia sẽ lần đầu tiên được tổ chức ở Việt Nam vào tháng 10 năm nay.

VĐV bóng chuyền Thu Hoài chơi pickleball do người yêu dạy


Vận động viên bóng chuyền Nguyễn Thu Hoài đã có những chia sẻ tích cực khi tham gia chơi pickleball.

Người Việt Nam nóng lòng với pickleball


Môn pickleball chưa nằm trong chương trình thi đấu chính thức tại bất cứ Đại hội thể thao nào. Thậm chí, ở Việt Nam, giải thi đấu chính thống của hệ thống quốc gia chưa ra đời. Dù vậy, đây là môn đang có sức hút của xã hội. Do đó, Cục Thể dục - Thể thao đang xây dựng các chương trình quản lý cụ thể và tìm hiểu chi tiết với môn đấu này.

Giải mã sự trỗi dậy của môn thể thao Pickleball


Pickleball là bộ môn thể thao mới nổi nhưng mang lại nhiều lợi ích đối với sức khỏe và tinh thần cho người chơi.

Tìm hiểu luật thi đấu pickleball: Sân và thiết bị


Để bắt đầu và chơi tốt pickleball, trước hết cần nắm được luật chơi của môn thể thao này.

Nếu ghét pickleball, hãy nói về chuyên môn


Pickleball đến Việt Nam, được chào đón và cũng bị phản đối, với mỗi bên đều có lý do. Nhưng với những gì đang diễn ra, dường như, việc pickleball bị “ghét” chủ yếu liên quan đến vấn đề phụ kiện…

Lịch sử phát triển pickleball - từ 2019 đến nay


Pickleball không chỉ phát triển trong biên giới nước Mỹ mà còn lan rộng ra nhiều quốc gia trên thế giới.

Một nhà hàng ở Yên Bái bị tố chặt chém đoàn từ thiện bão lũ

Trần Bùi |

Một nhà hàng trên địa bàn TP Yên Bái bị đoàn khách từ thiện tố "chặt chém" khi thu hóa đơn tới gần 5 triệu đồng cho bữa cơm 12 người.

Volleyball player Thu Hoai plays pickleball taught by her lover


Volleyball player Nguyen Thu Hoai shared positive thoughts when participating in pickleball .

Vietnamese people are excited about pickleball


Pickleball is not part of the official competition program at any Sports Festival. Even in Vietnam, the official national tournament has not yet been born. However, this is a subject that is gaining traction in society. Therefore, the Department of Physical Education and Sports is building specific management programs and learning details about this sport.

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