Commodity prices in Ho Chi Minh City gradually stabilized


Ho Chi Minh City and businesses have had many solutions to control the market, therefore, the prices of many goods are gradually stabilizing, without unreasonable price increases.

Ensuring stable commodity prices

From the beginning of the year until now, commodity prices in Ho Chi Minh City have fluctuated due to increased input material prices, high transportation costs ... Prices of some essential goods such as pork and rice have been adjusted to increase according to the general developments of the country. market.

Ms. Tran Kim Nga - Director of External Affairs of MM Mega Market Co., Ltd. - said that in the difficult economic context, people are tightening their spending. Businesses still keep prices stable and focus on essential consumer goods. At the same time, there are promotional programs, focusing on the business's own brands.

Similarly, Ms. Le Thi Tuyet Mai - Communications Director of P&G Vietnam Company - said that market purchasing power in the first months of the year is getting better and better. “The next time is the shopping season, especially with the stimulus programs of the Department of Industry and Trade of Ho Chi Minh City. We bring many essential, quality products and attractive incentives to more consumers. Hopefully the purchasing power will be even better" - Ms. Mai said.

Supermarket systems in Ho Chi Minh City such as Saigon Co.op, SATRA, Go!, Big C... also proactively implement measures to stabilize prices , helping consumers ease their spending burden during difficult economic times. "The prices of essential goods in our retail system are always stable because the supply of goods is covered by us and long-term contracts are signed in advance. We coordinate with suppliers to deploy Promotion program, direct discount of more than 50% or free product, focusing mainly on 200 Da Lat fruit and vegetable products, chemical products, technology, appliances and garments in the group promotion program. Trung" - Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thang - Deputy General Director of Saigon Co.op - said.

Do not increase prices unreasonably

According to Mr. Nguyen Nguyen Phuong - Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City Department of Industry and Trade, city leaders advocate organizing and calling on stable manufacturers and businesses to participate in sharing the financial burden with consumers. This is also an opportunity to stimulate consumption, promote production and business in the context of weak purchasing power, contributing to economic recovery and development.

Regarding price control programs in Ho Chi Minh City, Mr. Nguyen Van Dung - Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee - commented that when Ho Chi Minh City's economy is gradually recovering, through the market stabilization program to help people have access to many essential goods with stable prices and contributing to promoting production and consumption.

At the same time, ensuring that the consumer market in the city remains stable, people's purchasing power is increased in the coming time to achieve the growth target of Ho Chi Minh City.

A representative of the Ho Chi Minh City Statistics Department said that the city continues to promote consumption and tourism stimulation with the response of many units. Many essential goods are deeply discounted, ensuring quality, attracting many people to shop. Ho Chi Minh City also drastically directed districts to always closely follow the situation, businesses to stabilize the market and always be ready to supplement local shortages, not to imbalance supply and demand, and to ensure smooth supply activities. response, circulation, distribution of goods... in all situations.


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