Binh Dinh and Lao Ministry of Finance discuss public asset management

Hoài Phương |

On September 10, a working delegation from the Lao Ministry of Finance visited and worked with leaders of Binh Dinh province on the management and use of public assets.

Receiving the delegation of the Lao Ministry of Finance led by Director of the Department of Public Asset Management Phuthasin Huongthavong were Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang and representatives of departments and branches.

Scene of the working session between
Scene of the working session between the delegation of the Lao Ministry of Finance and Binh Dinh province. Photo: Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee

At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang informed about the potential, advantages and outstanding results in investment in socio-economic development of Binh Dinh; the special friendship and cooperation between Vietnam - Laos in general, between Binh Dinh and 4 provinces of Southern Laos (Champasak, Sekong, Salavan, Attapeu) in particular.

"Binh Dinh has basically completed the arrangement of housing and land facilities in the province. The arrangement of housing and land facilities has created land funds and financial resources to invest in upgrading and constructing new works in the direction of modernization, meeting development requirements.

The province also issued regulations authorizing localities to approve contents related to financial management of land; authorizing localities to carry out centralized procurement, ensuring compliance with regulations, publicity, transparency, and thrift practice... The Department of Finance will inspect and supervise the above work," said Mr. Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang suggested that Director of the Department of Public Asset Management Phuthasin Huongthavong pay attention to and continue to strengthen and develop cooperation in the field of public asset management and other fields to maintain professional exchange activities and timely sharing to tighten the special friendship and solidarity between the two sides.

Responding to the leaders of Binh Dinh province, Director of the Department of Public Asset Management Phuthasin Huongthavong thanked them for their warm welcome and sharing of important information.

"Information and lessons learned from the practical management and use of public assets in Binh Dinh are an important basis for the Lao State Asset Management Department to study and apply in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of management and use of public assets in Laos in the coming time," said Mr. Phuthasin Huongthavong.

Hoài Phương

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