The Politburo promulgates new regulations in law making

Vương Trần |

The Politburo has issued Regulation 178-QD/TW on controlling power, preventing and combating corruption and negativity in lawmaking.

On behalf of the Politburo, Politburo member and Standing Secretary of the Secretariat Luong Cuong has just signed and promulgated Regulation 178-QD/TW on controlling power, preventing and combating corruption and negativity in law-making work. the law.

According to Regulation 178-QD/TW, corruption in law-making work is the act of a person with authority in law-making work taking advantage of or abusing assigned positions and powers in law-making work. create laws for personal gain.

Negative in the work of law making is the behavior of people with authority in the work of law making, degrading political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, improper implementation of the Party's policies and regulations, State laws, agency regulations, and organization charters in law-making work.

Corrupt practices in law-making work

Regulation 178-QD/TW clearly states that corrupt practices in lawmaking include:

1- Intentionally preside over promulgation or advise on promulgation of legal documents with content expressing group and local interests; intentionally delaying the suspension, abolition, replacement, amendment, supplementation and promulgation of new legal documents for group and local interests.

2- Receiving money, property, material benefits or other benefits in any form to promulgate or influence competent agencies, organizations and people in the work of making laws to promulgate documents Legal regulations whose content represents group and local interests.

3- Giving bribes or brokering bribes to competent people in law-making work to promulgate legal documents with content expressing group and local interests.

4- Taking advantage of assigned positions and powers in law-making work to direct media that does not ensure objectivity and is not truthful about policy content in law-making work for personal gain.

5- Abuse of power, collusion with other businesses, organizations, and individuals to profit from law-making work.

6- Other acts of corruption and group and local interests in law-making work according to Party regulations and State laws.

Negative acts in law-making work

1- Intentionally not complying with principles, authority, order, and procedures in law-making work or intentionally concealing or dishonestly reporting to competent authorities on the actual situation and content of the law. comments from agencies, organizations, individuals or intentionally adding new content to the draft document that is different from the policies or content approved by competent authorities without reporting to the leadership level have authority leading to legal documents that do not ensure constitutionality, legality or consistency with the legal system or have many loopholes and are exploited, causing damage to the State, organizations, individual.

2- Lack of responsibility, lax leadership and management in law-making work; cover up, intentionally fail to report, and fail to handle corrupt, negative, group and local interests in agencies, organizations, and localities under their direct management in law-making work.

3- Illegal use of financial regulations, public assets, assets of organizations, businesses, and individuals contributing, sponsoring, and providing aid in law-making work.

4- Connecting and colluding with hostile, reactionary forces and opportunistic and politically dissatisfied elements to propagate ideas and viewpoints contrary to the Party's policies and regulations in law-making work. the law; Collecting and transferring to foreign countries or other organizations and individuals contrary to the provisions of law information and documents related to law-making work; taking advantage of reflection, comments, and social criticism in law-making work to sabotage the Party and State.

5- Other negative acts in law-making work according to Party regulations and State laws.

Vương Trần

Kiểm soát quyền lực, chống tham nhũng trong xây dựng luật


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Thông báo của Bộ Chính trị về tình hình sức khỏe của đồng chí Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng


Ngày 18.7, Văn phòng Trung ương Đảng đã có văn bản Thông báo của Bộ Chính trị về tình hình sức khỏe của Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng.

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Hoàng Bin |

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Đinh Đại |

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Ngôi làng quanh năm tô vẽ, tạo tiếng trống dịp Tết Trung thu

Thanh Bình - Khánh Linh |

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Làm từ thiện không trung thực là vi phạm đạo đức, pháp luật


PGS.TS Phạm Ngọc Trung đã có những chia sẻ xung quanh câu chuyện về tình người và vấn đề làm từ thiện sau cơn bão số 3.

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