Xây dựng pháp luật

There are breakthrough solutions to untie and unleash all resources


The Prime Minister requested to focus on providing breakthrough solutions to untie, remove bottlenecks, and unleash all resources for development.

Raise responsibility, those who are afraid of responsibility stand aside


The Prime Minister emphasized that ministries and branches must be specific when responding, not general; if anyone is afraid of responsibility, they should "stand aside".

Amending the Law to generate more legitimate income for press agencies

Lan Nhi |

Amending the Press Law will encourage and create conditions for press agencies to increase their potential and legal sources of income.

Design tools to enhance inspection and control of power


The Prime Minister requested to promote decentralization and decentralization of power thoroughly, and design tools to strengthen inspection and control of power ; promote post-inspection.

1 Deputy Prime Minister and 2 Ministers attended the Government meeting for the first time


The Prime Minister welcomed the new Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers approved by the National Assembly and the General Secretary and President awarded the appointment decisions.

There are manifestations of group interests in law making

Lan Nhi |

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Justice Le Thanh Long answered questions about the content of group interests in lawmaking .

The National Assembly Standing Committee reviewed and commented on 10 draft laws.

Lan Nhi |

On August 12, the National Assembly Standing Committee opened a special legal session in August 2024, giving opinions on 10 law projects.

The Prime Minister requires a report on the progress of eliminating the approval-based mechanism


The Prime Minister requested a report on the progress and results of implementing the reduction of administrative procedures, abolishing the mechanism of asking for permission, combating harassment, and extortion.

Continue to review and verify legal projects submitted to the National Assembly

Lan Nhi |

The Culture and Education Committee, the Social Committee and the Delegates' Working Committee are examining and reviewing legal projects to submit to the National Assembly.

The Politburo promulgates new regulations in law making

Vương Trần |

The Politburo has issued Regulation 178-QD/TW on controlling power, preventing and combating corruption and negativity in lawmaking.

2 draft laws will be submitted to the National Assembly for comments at the 8th Session

Lan Nhi |

The Standing Committee of the National Assembly has just issued Resolution No. 48/2024/UBTVQH15 adjusting the Program for the development of laws and ordinances for the year 2024.

Control of power, anti-corruption in lawmaking


The Prime Minister emphasized the need to strengthen control over power, prevent, anti-corruption, and negative phenomena in the process of law-making.

Submitting to competent authorities to build 1,541km of high-speed railway


Government members basically agreed on the policy to submit to competent authorities for consideration and decision to build a modern and synchronous high-speed railway .

The Government has given its opinion on investment in high-speed railways


The Government's special meeting on lawmaking in July 2024 will give opinions on high-speed rail investment policy and 4 projects and proposals for lawmaking.

Thủ tướng: Hoàn thiện thể chế, tháo gỡ khó khăn, vướng mắc trong thực tế

Vương Trần |

Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính nêu những yêu cầu với công tác xây dựng, hoàn thiện thể chế: Thể chế hóa chủ trương, đường lối của Đảng; tháo gỡ được khó khăn, vướng mắc trong thực tế; đáp ứng yêu cầu của thực tiễn, các vấn đề đột xuất, phát sinh.