Ministry of Home Affairs on the proportion of forms of reward


Ministry of Home Affairs informs about the awarding of emulation titles, forms of rewards, ensuring compliance with legal regulations.

Mr. Ho Huy Hung (Binh Phuoc) learned that the 2022 Law on Emulation and Commendation and the decrees detailing its implementation do not stipulate the rate of consideration for awarding titles and forms of commendation.

However, according to Mr. Hung, the locality where he works is controlling the rate of rewards down to 30%.

"In the 2023-2024 school year, my school achieved the title of advanced labor collective. They cited the provisions of Point c, Clause 1, Article 28 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation to explain the consideration of this ratio. That is, an advanced labor collective must have at least 70% of individuals in that collective achieving the title of advanced labor and the remaining 30% are commended at various levels.

So let me ask, is such a regulation correct or not, is it consistent with the spirit and principles of the 2022 Law on Emulation and Commendation?" - Mr. Hung wondered.

Regarding the reflection and recommendation of Mr. Ho Huy Hung, the Ministry of Home Affairs has responded on the Electronic Information Portal.

According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the 2022 Law on Emulation and Commendation and the decrees detailing its implementation do not stipulate the rate of consideration for awarding emulation titles, forms of commendation, and do not assign ministries, departments, branches, provinces, agencies, and units to prescribe the rate of consideration for awarding emulation titles, and forms of commendation.

Article 7 of the 2022 Law on Emulation and Commendation stipulates that "the basis for considering awarding emulation titles includes: (1) Emulation movement; (2) Emulation achievements; (3) Emulation title standards";

Article 10 of the 2022 Law on Emulation and Commendation stipulates that "the basis for considering commendation" includes: (1) Achievements; (2) Commendation criteria; (3) Specific conditions and circumstances under which achievements are made.

Clause 1, Article 13 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation stipulates: The head of an agency, organization or unit directly leads, directs and is responsible for the results of emulation and commendation work; is responsible for the decision to commend and the submission to the superior for commendation.

Therefore, the Ministry of Home Affairs said that in order for emulation and reward work to be substantial and reward the right people for the right work, the heads of agencies, units, and localities need to base themselves on legal regulations and practical situations when considering and awarding emulation titles and forms of reward, ensuring compliance with legal regulations.


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