Promote national standards, measurement and quality work

Ái Vân |

The Secretariat has just issued a Directive on promoting national standards, measurement and quality work until 2030 and the following years.

On behalf of the Secretariat, Politburo member, Standing Committee of the Secretariat Luong Cuong has just signed and issued Directive No. 38-CT/TW of the Secretariat on promoting national standards, measurement and quality work. to 2030 and the following years.

The Directive clearly states that to continue to innovate, develop and improve the quality and efficiency of standards, measurement and quality work by 2030 and the following years, contributing to the goal of becoming a country with modern industry according to the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, the Secretariat requested party committees, party organizations, authorities, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations to focus on leadership and direction. Leading to perform well a number of key tasks and solutions.

Promote propaganda work, raise awareness, knowledge, and responsibility of officials, party members and people, especially leaders, managers, and heads of agencies, organizations, and businesses on the role, position, and importance of standards, measurement, and quality work in the cause of industrialization, modernization, national construction and development, and in social life; about the meaning of production and consumption according to standards, regulations and quality; Raise awareness of self-awareness and good compliance with the Party's guidelines, policies and laws of the State on standards, measurement and quality.

Review, develop, supplement, and complete policies and laws on standards, measurement, and quality in the direction of centralization, unity, synchronization, and international integration based on current technical infrastructure platforms. modernity, digital technology and smart management models. Innovate and improve the efficiency of state management of standards, measurement and quality. Change the form of controlling specific objects and stages to product chain management, from pre-production research, production organization to distribution, circulation, consumption and export of products and goods. Vietnamese brand .

The Directive also clearly states the requirements for building and training human resources in the fields of standards, measurement and quality to ensure quantity and quality. Bring standard, measurement and quality human resource training to a number of higher education institutions, colleges and vocational schools. Invest and upgrade standard, measurement and quality training facilities to meet task requirements.

Increase state budget investment in standards, measurement, and quality work in total state budget expenditures for science and technology commensurate with position and role. Plan and properly implement the plan to develop standards, measurement and quality inspection centers nationwide.

Strengthen inspection, testing, and supervision of standards, measurement, and quality to ensure the safety of products and goods in production, import, and circulation on the market. Coordinate to strictly handle corrupt, negative acts and violations of laws on standards, measurement and quality. Timely reward and take appropriate measures to protect those who report violations of legal regulations on standards, measurement and quality.

Proactively and actively integrate internationally in standards, measurement and quality work, complying with treaties and relevant international agreements that Vietnam participates in. Enhance information exchange, experience, and training cooperation; Timely update new standards and technologies, especially for countries with advanced standards, measurement and quality inspection capabilities.

Ái Vân

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