Proposing additional cases of considering resignation of leading civil servants


The Ministry of Home Affairs is seeking comments on a draft supplementing many cases of considering resignation for civil servants holding leadership and management positions.

Content related to consideration of resignation for civil servants holding leadership and management positions is receiving the attention of many people. Reader Ngoc Linh asked: Currently, how is the consideration of resignation for civil servants holding leadership and management positions?

Responding to this content on the Electronic Information Portal, the Ministry of Home Affairs said that leading and managing civil servants are considered to resign in the cases specified in Clause 1, Article 65 of Decree 138/2020/ND- CP as follows: Voluntarily resign from position to transfer leadership position; Due to self-realization that the qualifications, conditions, and health are not enough to complete the assigned tasks or the work position is not suitable; For other legitimate reasons of civil servants.

Currently, the Ministry of Home Affairs is collecting comments on a draft decree amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree 138/2020 on recruitment, employment and management of civil servants and Decree 06/2023 on quality inspection. amount of civil servant input.

Notably, compared to current regulations, the Draft Decree amending Decree 138 has amended and added many new points related to regulations on resignation for leading and managing civil servants.

According to the draft, resignation consideration for civil servants holding leadership and management positions is carried out in the following cases:

1. Voluntarily resign from leadership or management positions.

2. Due to limited capacity or no longer having enough health or reputation to complete assigned responsibilities and tasks.

3. Allowing agencies and units under their management and responsibility to commit serious violations.

4. There are more than 50% but not more than 2/3 of low confidence votes at the voting period according to regulations. Subjects, processes and procedures for obtaining votes of confidence shall comply with regulations of competent authorities.

5. Leadership and management civil servants are the leaders who take advantage of their assigned positions and powers to tolerate, cover up, and abet corruption and negativity, depending on the nature and extent of the violations and the competent authority. right to consider resignation.

6. Leading and managing civil servant is the person who leads the agency or unit under his/her management, in charge or directly under him/her to cause corruption or serious negativity.

7. For other legitimate reasons.


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