Proposing the goal of bringing Vietnam into the group of 30-35 largest economies


The Prime Minister requested to propose a goal of bringing our country into the group of 30 to 35 largest economies in the world, in the group of countries with upper middle income.

On September 9, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh , Head of the Economic - Social Subcommittee of the 14th National Congress of the Party (Economic - Social Subcommittee) chaired a meeting of the Government Standing Committee with the Standing Committee of the Economic - Social Subcommittee.

Concluding the meeting, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh noted that the assessment of the 5-year implementation of the 10-year Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2021-2030 must deepen the achievements, in the context of the world facing many difficulties, challenges, and complicated developments.

At the same time, set appropriate goals and solutions, organize implementation with high determination, great effort, drastic action, allocate resources, coupled with inspection, supervision, urging, removing difficulties to develop the country and handle emerging issues.

Along with that, it clearly states a number of targets that need to be further strived to achieve, such as economic growth rate, while our country is a developing country, the economy is in transition, the economic scale is still modest, the starting point is low, the openness is high but the resilience is limited and in the context of the world economy declining and recovering slowly.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Head of the Economic and Social Subcommittee of the 14th National Party Congress, chaired the meeting. Photo: Nhat Bac
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Head of the Economic and Social Subcommittee of the 14th National Party Congress, chaired the meeting. Photo: Nhat Bac

Regarding the direction and tasks of socio-economic development in the 5-year period 2026-2030, the Prime Minister requested to absorb the content of "stability for development"; innovate synchronous development thinking in all fields, ensure the pioneering and leading nature, breakthroughs in a number of fields, especially perfecting the socialist-oriented market economic institution.

At the same time, focus on key areas, allocate resources and organize implementation in a feasible manner; propose the goal of bringing our country into the group of 30 to 35 major economies in the world, in the group of countries with high average income.

Regarding tasks and solutions, the Prime Minister pointed out the need to propose mechanisms and policies to mobilize social resources, especially public-private partnerships and foreign resources both directly and indirectly.

Continue to promote 3 strategic breakthroughs, deepen the content of the task of developing science and technology, innovation, especially emerging industries such as green economy, digital economy, circular economy, knowledge economy, sharing economy, cultural industry.

Along with that, continue to promote innovation and institutional reform, especially the socialist-oriented market economic institution, with the State playing a creative role and enterprises being the center.

The Head of Government directed to add a number of important, key, and breakthrough tasks, projects, and proposals, such as: Project on training high-quality human resources for digital transformation, green transformation, circular economy, knowledge economy, and sharing economy; development of railway industry; green energy industry, clean energy; project on combating climate change in the Mekong Delta.

Supplementing regional connectivity projects, especially the North-South high-speed railway and railway lines connecting with China, the Ho Chi Minh City-Can Tho railway, urban railway lines; seaport and airport projects; nuclear energy for peaceful purposes; digital infrastructure, national, regional and industry data centers; international financial and commercial centers.


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