Proposal to stop and reduce electricity supply to customers


The suspension or reduction of electricity supply to electricity customers must comply with the provisions of law and signed electricity purchase contracts.

According to the law and ordinance building program, the Electricity Law project (amended) will be commented on by the National Assembly at the upcoming 8th Session (October 2024).

The draft law consists of 9 chapters and 119 articles with many adjustments and additions to suit socio-economic development and practical life. One of the contents that is receiving attention is the regulation on stopping and reducing the level of electricity supply for electricity customers and the rights and obligations of electricity customers.

According to Article 69 of the draft law, the suspension or reduction of electricity supply to electricity customers must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of law and the signed electricity purchase contract.

The electricity buyer and the electricity seller must agree on the cases of stopping or reducing the electricity supply and the form of notification of stopping or reducing the electricity supply in the electricity purchase and sale contract.

The draft also stipulates cases of stopping or reducing electricity supply. Accordingly, when a force majeure event occurs, an incident that the electricity seller cannot control and poses a serious risk to people and equipment, or a lack of electricity threatens the safety of the electricity system, the electricity seller is allowed to stop or reduce the supply level.

In particular, it is necessary to notify the electricity buyer as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours from the time of stopping or reducing the electricity supply about the electricity supply status and the expected time of electricity supply restoration.

When there is a need for repair, maintenance or other planned needs, the electricity seller is responsible for notifying the electricity buyer of the time of stopping or reducing the electricity supply at least 5 days in advance by the form of notification agreed upon in the electricity purchase and sale contract.

The suspension or reduction of electricity supply is also carried out when the electricity bill is not paid according to regulations; at the request of a competent state agency in case an organization or individual violates the provisions of the Electricity Law or violates the provisions of another law and must apply measures to suspend the electricity supply according to the provisions of that law.

The Minister of Industry and Trade shall specify in detail the procedures for stopping and reducing electricity supply; and the method for determining the costs of stopping and restoring electricity supply.

According to Article 75, electricity customers have the rights to be provided with sufficient capacity and electricity, ensuring the quality of electricity as agreed in the contract; and to request the electricity seller to promptly restore the electricity supply after a power outage.

Customers are also compensated for damages caused by the electricity seller according to the provisions of law; request the electricity seller to check the quality of electricity services, the accuracy of electricity metering equipment, the amount of electricity to be paid; and are provided with necessary information related to the service and the electricity retailer.


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