Subjects and conditions for special amnesty consideration in 2024


Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long has just signed a document guiding the implementation of special amnesty in 2024, which specifically stipulates subjects eligible for special amnesty.

Subjects of amnesty consideration

Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long - Chairman of the Amnesty Advisory Council has just signed Instruction No. 88/HD-HDTVDX implementing Decision No. 758/2024/QD-CTN dated July 30, 2024 of the President on amnesty in 2024.

According to newly issued instructions, subjects considered for amnesty in 2024 include:

First, people sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment that have been reduced to term imprisonment are serving their prison sentences at prisons, detention camps, or criminal judgment execution agencies of district-level police ( hereinafter referred to as prisoners).

Second, the person is temporarily suspended from serving a prison sentence.

Conditions for proposed amnesty

Regarding some provisions in Article 3 of Decision No. 758/2024/QD-CTN on special amnesty in 2024, the Special Amnesty Advisory Council specifically guides as follows:

According to Point c, Clause 1, Article 18 of Decree No. 133/2020/ND-CP detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments, the classification of serving a prison sentence in the second quarter on May 25, is classified as serving a prison sentence. sentenced to prison in the third quarter on August 25.

Therefore, by the time prisons, detention centers, and criminal judgment execution agencies of district-level police meet to consider and request amnesty, prisoners must have had enough time to be classified as good. or good.

In the next period from May 26, 2024 to the date of the review meeting, the request for special amnesty must be commented and evaluated by the prison, detention center, and criminal judgment execution agency of the district police. fair or good prison sentence.

After having the ranking results in the third quarter of 2024, prisons, detention camps, and criminal judgment execution agencies of district-level police must review and compare with the list of prisoners who have been proposed for special amnesty and promptly Immediately request the superior agency to directly report to the Standing Amnesty Advisory Council for consideration.

At the same time, we recommend that the Amnesty Advisory Council remove from the list of proposed amnesty prisoners who are not classified as good or good in the third quarter of 2024.

Time spent serving a prison sentence is the time spent in custody, temporary detention, serving a prison sentence in a prison, detention center, or criminal judgment execution agency of the district police, not including the time on bail. , postponed, temporarily suspended and the time of serving a prison sentence is reduced.

The time spent on compulsory medical treatment during the investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution stages is also counted as the time spent serving the prison sentence.

The time to reduce the period of serving a prison sentence is calculated to be deducted from the remaining period of serving the prison sentence...

According to the instructions, a press conference will be held to announce the President's decision to pardon prisoners ahead of time and organize the release of amnesty recipients according to the President's Decision on September 30, 2024.

Organizing the pardon of people granted special amnesty according to the President's Decision on October 1, 2024.


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