Lam Dong has a new Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee after 8 months of vacancy


Lam Dong - After 8 months of vacancies for the Chairman of the People's Council and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee , Lam Dong has now officially elected additional leaders to run the work.

On the morning of August 23, the People's Council of Lam Dong province, term Copper).

Accordingly, the meeting elected Ms. Pham Thi Phuc - Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Committee to hold the position of Chairwoman of the People's Council of Lam Dong province.

Also at the meeting, delegates elected Professor - Dr. Tran Hong Thai - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to hold the position of Chairman of Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee for the 2021 - 2026 term.

Ms. Pham Thi Phuc (47 years old, from Quang Ngai), grew up in the Youth Union movement and held the following positions: Secretary of the Lam Dong Provincial Youth Union (2009 - 2015); Secretary of Lam Ha District Party Committee; Chairman of Lam Dong Provincial Labor Confederation; Deputy Head and then Head of the Lam Dong Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Committee.

Prof. Dr. Tran Hong Thai (50 years old, from Ha Tinh), graduated from university in Russia, defended his doctoral thesis in Earth Sciences and Mathematics at Heidelberg University (German Federation).

Mr. Thai used to work at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and held the position of General Director of the General Department of Hydrometeorology; In October 2023, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Science and Technology.

Previously, on the morning of the same day (August 23), Lam Dong Provincial Party Committee held a conference to implement the decision of the Party Central Committee Secretariat on cadre work. The Secretariat has mobilized and appointed Mr. Tran Hong Thai to join the Executive Committee and Standing Committee, holding the position of Deputy Secretary of the Lam Dong Provincial Party Committee for the 2020-2025 term.

Thus, after 8 months of absence since Mr. Tran Duc Quan - former Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council and Mr. Tran Van Hiep - former Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee were prosecuted and detained by the Ministry of Public Security. Because it is related to the Dai Ninh project, Lam Dong now officially has a new Chairman of the People's Council and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.


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