Ceremony to receive the National Historical Monument Ranking Certificate from the Central Propaganda Department of the Southern Department

Huân Cao |

On July 24, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department Nguyen Trong Nghia chaired the ceremony to receive the Certificate of National Historic Monument Ranking at the base of the Central Propaganda Department of the Southern Department. period 1962 - 1975.

Delegates attended the ceremony. Photo: Huan Cao

On July 24, at the National Historical Site of the Central Propaganda Department of the Southern Department (Tan Binh commune, Tan Bien district, Tay Ninh province ), the Central Propaganda Department presided and coordinated with the Ministry of Culture and Sports. and Tourism, Tay Ninh Provincial Party Committee held a ceremony to receive the National Historical Relic ranking certificate at the base of the Central Propaganda Department of the Southern Department during the period 1962 - 1975.

Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department Nguyen Trong Nghia chaired the ceremony. Also attending the ceremony were Mr. Nguyen Dinh Khang - Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and many leaders of central ministries and Tay Ninh province.

The ceremony took place in a solemn and emotional atmosphere. Delegates and guests in attendance reviewed the great and decisive contributions of the Central Committee of the Southern Department in the resistance war against the US to save the country in the South.

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Khang - Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor - attended the ceremony. Photo: Huan Cao

On November 23, 1961, the Central Conference of the Southern Department met in Ma Da, base of war zone D (now Dong Nai province) and decided to establish the Central Propaganda and Training Committee of the Southern Department headed by comrade Nguyen Van Linh - Secretary Secretary of the Central Department as Head of the Committee.

In 1962, the Central Propaganda Department of the Southern Department decided to move its headquarters to Lo Go - Ben Ra - Xa Mat, Chau Thanh district (now Tan Bien district), Tay Ninh province to have conditions to expand the base.

During the resistance war, political ideological work was the leading front, one step ahead, decisively contributing to the creation of the revolutionary movement. Complying with the direct instructions of the Central Standing Committee of the Southern Department, the Central Propaganda Department of the Southern Department has proactively created, researched the situation, and proposed policies and directions for propaganda and ideological education. inside and outside the Party, cultural work, mass education; Compile documents guiding propaganda work for subordinates; Provide professional direction to the propaganda industry at all levels and train grassroots officials.

Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department Nguyen Trong Nghia spoke at the ceremony to receive the Certificate of National Historical Relic ranking, the base location of the Central Propaganda Department of the Southern Department during the period 1962 - 1975. Photo: Huan Cao
Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department Nguyen Trong Nghia spoke at the ceremony to receive the National Historical Relics Certificate, the base location of the Central Propaganda Department of the Southern Region. period 1962 - 1975. Photo: Huan Cao

Speaking at the ceremony, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department Nguyen Trong Nghia said that the location of the Central Propaganda Department of the Southern Department's base for the period 1962-1975 is where records were recorded. The event marks many historical values, actively contributing to educating patriotic and revolutionary traditions for every Vietnamese person.

"To preserve and preserve the historical value of relics, the Party Committee, Tay Ninh provincial government and functional agencies need to strengthen education and propaganda to all classes of people about the content of the Law. Cultural heritage, so that people can participate in protecting, preserving, embellishing and promoting the value of monuments; coordinate with the tourism industry and media agencies to connect relics with relics in the province and the region to create new tourism products; improve the quality of tour guides so that tourists and people can more deeply understand the value of the nation's revolutionary historical traditions" - Head of the Committee. Central Propagandaist Nguyen Trong Nghia emphasized.

National Historical Relic Area of ​​the Central Propaganda Department of the Southern Department. Photo: Huan Cao
National Historical Relic Area of ​​the Central Propaganda Department of the Southern Department. Photo: Huan Cao

On the same day, Head of the Central Propaganda Department, Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia and the working group attended the memorial and burial ceremony of 172 remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who died in Cambodia and brought them home in phase 2, phase 2. Phase XXIII (dry season 2023 - 2024).

The ceremony to commemorate and bury the remains of martyrs was solemnly held at Hill 82 cemetery, organized by the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Fatherland Front Committee of Tay Ninh province.

Leaders of the Central Propaganda Department, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and Tay Ninh province at the memorial and burial ceremony of 172 remains of volunteer martyrs and Vietnamese experts who died in Cambodia and brought them home. Photo: Huan Cao
Huân Cao

Chủ tịch Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam Nguyễn Đình Khang phát động thi đua 5 Nhất

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